Love in the air

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You blushed like hell hearing what Bede just said. Was he flirting with you?! You took the rose he handed you and hung it on your top before taking his hand and following him on the dance floor. He placed one of his hands on your waist and grabbed you hand with the other.You putted your hand on his shoulder as you two started dancing.

He was looking at you with his deep purple eyes. This moment was just..magic. You wished this moment would never end. Everything was so romantic and the way Bede's body was so close to yours made you feel butterflies. You were so in love with that moment that you couldn't notice the eyes on you. People seemed very surprised to see you together but right now you couldn't care less. All that mattered was him , finally being close to you. All that mattered was you two,together.

The slow ended, you didn't want to let Bede go, you wanted him to stay with you forever. But when the last musical note sounded you felt compelled to let go.
You looked at him in the eyes with a loving gaze while smiling at him. Bede turned red, looking at you.

Bede: P-Please, stop smiling like t-that. You're going to k-kill me-

He said looking away as you blushed even more than before.

Y/n: You're being adorable,Bede~

You said in his ear.

Bede: H-huh?! S-Shut up a-and take this-!

He said turning even more red and gave you a pokeball.

Bede: O-Open it ONLY when you're home,please-

He said looking kinda embarrassed while passing his hand in his hair.

You took the pokeball and smiled at him again.

Y/n: I will.

The party ended late that night and as you walk out with Bede,he kissed your hand.

Bede: You looked really beautiful tonight..

He mumbled nervously.

Y/n: Huh? What did I hear~?

You said to tease him.

Bede: Tsh- Come on I know you heard it-! So hum goodbye and g-goodnight!

He said turning pink again as he walked away.

You smiled and said goodbye to everyone before starting to walk to the train station.

As you were walking, you heard a voice calling your name,it was Hop.

Hop: Hey Y/n, wait for us!

You were joined by Hop and Sonya.

Sonya: Sooooo~? How was your little date with Bede~? Hop told me everything.

Hop: Oww.. everything you say?

You said looking at Hop as he looked at you like he didn't do anything.

Y/n: W-Well we can't really call that a "date" but..

You told them in broad strokes what happened when you were alone with Bede. But stopped yourself thinking about something.

Y/n: Wait , where's Leon ? Isn't he coming home??

Sonya: Nope! He decided to stay at Raihan's place..I think those are hiding something from us..~

She said winking.

You all laughed a little as you took the train back home.

When you arrived home,your mom was already sleeping. You quietly went to your room and got changed. Then taking you stuffs out of you bag,you remembered the pokeball Bede gave you. You took it and let the pokemon out. It was a little Applin!

Giving someone an Applin symbolizes affection and people says that if you give an Applin to someone means that you'll be together forever.

When you saw the little apple like Pokemon ,you hugged it very tight and welcome it in your team. You were really happy to have it cause this was the confirmation of Bede's feelings for you.

You settled into your bed and went on social media before falling asleep,still having Applin in your arms. And as you were looking at people's posts you saw a selfie of Raihan with you and Bede in the background saying "lovebirds~".

You blushes instantly and saved the picture. Screaming from the inside , why did he has to post that??? It wasn't a big deal but he still could have asked.. You put your phone down and fell asleep thinking about your beloved.

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