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Now that you had the keys to Bede, you often went to his house. You went there so often that it became like a routine. And this house wasn't really just his anymore ,it was both of yours, your first house together. And your love for both of you was growing stronger. You had this feeling. This feeling of having found your soul mate thought this kind of stuff sounded ridiculous to you before.

But your relationship, although it was already 2 months since you were together, was still quite secret. Even if the media started to suspect something, you didn't confirm anything. You didn't know if it was a good idea to inform the world given the kind of scandals that "famous" people experience because of the media. But hidden your relationship was getting more and more complicated and you didn't want to live a lie all your life.

After talking to your boyfriend about telling people about your relationship, you both decided that yes you are gonna tell the world about it and you already had a little plan to say it in mind.

The day of the competition as come. You and the gym leaders were all invited to Wyndon Stadium. You found your boyfriend and acted friendly with him, ot wasn't the moment to tell the big news.
The competition will be a tournament and your first fight was against Milo that you beated easily with your Cinderace.

You went back to the locker room and sat down in front of the TV screen to watch Bede's fight against Gordie when you heard a familiar voice calling your name. You turned around to see Marnie. You hadn't seen her since the party even though you hadn't spoken during it since you had both been taken over by other people. You still talked to each other from time to time by message but you still missed seeing her.

You hugged her very tight.

Y/n: Marnie! Omg it's been a whileeee! You don't know how much I've missed you!

She blushed a little due to your unexpected hug.

Marnie: I missed you too but you could have come to Spikemuth once.

Y/n: W-Well you're right.. I'm sorry I was just so busy with my new champion status..

You said, nervously scratching the back of  your head.

You had been discussing the Bede fight the whole time. And you were so focused on your conversation that you didn't even notice Bede and Gordie's fight was over. And when came back in the locker room,Marnie said in your ear.

Marnie: Your boyfriend is back..

You jumbed a little surprised that she knew about you and Bede.

Y/n: H-How do you know that!?

Marnie smiled a little.

Marnie: I have my ways.. and my battle is about to start so talk to you later.

She said to you walking towards the field waving to you.

Bede walked to you asking you why uou looked so shocked. And you yold him discretly that she knew about you two and her answer.

Your boyfriend frowned a little.

Bede: Weird-

Y/n: She isn't that weirdd. Guess someone just told her. Like Hop.

Bede: Maybe but her answer still sounds weird.

You laughed a little.

After Marnie fight against Bea, Bede He passed his semi-final against Raihan and won rather easily due to Dragon's weakness against Fairy. On your side,you  fought Marnie and won with half your team still standing. She had really improved since she became the Dark gym leader.

The final finally arrived, you were on the field against Bede. The audience cheered you on and the fight was very eventful. When the young fairy boy said he had practiced, he wasn't kidding.But in the end you narrowly defeated him with only 2 pokemon still standing.

Bede: If you weren't here, I'll be the most powerful Pokemon trainer here. But I can't lie, fighting against you isn't  unpleasant.

You smiled and walked towards him. It was the moment, after a beautiful fight, a beautiful revelation.

You softly grabbed Bede's face and kissed him in front of everyone. He blushed very hard, looking shocked. He wasn't expecting you to do this now. He still kissed you back, warping his arms against you.

The whole stadium was shocked and after a camera zoom in on you and a comment sweet from Ball Guy,the fans were screaming your names happily. People seemed to take this news pretty good.

You took your boyfriend's hand,who was still hery red,and went back to the lockers, together.

You're my fairytale~[Bede x reader]Where stories live. Discover now