The truth

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Hop's pov :

What did Hop had in mind ? A lot actually. After what happened between you and Bede, he's been very worried about you. He loves you, a lot, and can't stand seeing you that sad,even when you try to hide it ,he knows that it keeps hurting you. He felt like he needed to help you but for that he needed to go talk to..Bede.

Hop therefore headed with a determined step to the arena of Ballonlea, the only place where he was sure to find Bede. Arriving at the arena, he saw Bede waiting for a challenger.

Hop took a deep breath before approaching the young fairy gym leader.

Hop: Bede,w-we need to talk.

Bede turned around to face him, looking furious.

Bede: Tsh-. And why would I want to talk to y-

Hop: It's about Y/n.

Bede widened his eyes the moment he heard your name and waved his hand, indicating Hop to follow him.

Bede took Hop to the same place he took you the first time he saw you again. He sat down and looked at Hop very seriously.

Bede: So. What did you want to say about them?

Hop was very stressed to speak with him knowing that each of their interactions ends badly, but he still tried to look as confident as possible.

Hop: Why did you stop talking to Y/n? Do you even realize how much it's hurting them??

Bede: ...Why would you want me to" talk" with your partner,huh-?

He said, trying to hide his pain.

Hop looked shocked,did Bede just call you Hop's partner?!

Hop: Y-Y/n ,my partner?! No no no..I love them a lot but I'm not the one they love..

He said looking away while clenching his fists.

Bede widened his eyes again. He really through Y/n loved Hop.

Bede: W-What??! But you two are always acting so close!

Hop: We are best friends for now years and years that's all.

Bede: But w-who do they love then??!

Hop took a deep breath before finally telling Bede the truth.

Hop: Actually..Y/n loves you. They have been for a long time  now.

Bede's heart beated faster hearing this news. Was he dreaming?? This can't be true.

Hop: What h-how?! You better not be making fun of me-

He said, grabbing Hop by the collar.

Hop: I am not!So you better do something about it and quick. I don't want to see Y/n sad because of you one more day!

He said, screaming.

Bede let go of Hop, shocked about his reaction and his news..

Hop: You know that party in two day?
Y/n is going. Go there and make things better.Ok? Or I'll have to fight you..

Hop said walking away.

Bede didn't say a thing. Everything was real. Y/n does love him. Was it really that hard to guess? Now that he thinks about it ,it was kinda obvious-. Bede was really dumb for once.

Bede needed to talk to Y/n but before he needed to prepare. 2 days, the party is in 2 days. That's all the time he had. But he really hoped Y/n could forgive him..and maybe more..?

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