Chapter 6 - Unravel

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Dread twists in my stomach and I can't stop the words coming out of my mouth. "What are you doing. I mean, why are you giving me your coat when-"

"When what?" His tone gets rough. "Will you stop being a pain in the ass for one second and believe when I say that I'm not going to hurt you."

A sigh leaves my mouth, kind of ashamed that I actually believe him. I lower my head, adjusting the black coat around my shoulders so it would cover more skin. Silas watches, runs a hand through his hair and gestures to the elevator, but I'm not ready to leave.

I step closer towards the glass edge, feeling his eyes warm the side of my face. "Have you been living in New York for a while?" I ask while placing my hands at the edge of the steel railing before retreating back. It's as cold as ice.

He steps forward, standing a small distance from me yet his height makes sure we're worlds apart. He places his hands on the railing like they aren't frozen and then looks at me once.

He seems confused, but turns his hard eyes towards the city view. "Tell me about your time in Colombia."

My arms cross over one another so I could warm myself up more. I don't wonder why he wants to know, or how stupid I'd look replying. I just tell him.

I tell him about my families house over there, how I would watch the kids play on the streets from my rooftop, how rooftops actually exist in Colombia.

Its clear he isn't used to listening to people with the way he barely reacts, but then he makes eye contact with me and asks me a few questions and I have to bite my smile. "You aren't what I expected you to be like."

"Yeah?" He slowly moves off from the railing and moves closer to me. "What did you expect?"

"A wrinkly old man who smells like a dusty bookshelf."

He chuckles a little, in a way my stomach is startled with butterflies. I don't think he knows just how attractive he is, or maybe he does and he hides it well.

His eyes focus on mine and he stretches out a hand, placing a few fingers beneath my chin just like the did the other night. I almost nestle into his hold, fighting hard not to show what it's doing to me but I think I'm failing. I look away from him, and when I look back he's close to my mouth.

My eyes widen as he plants a light, soft kiss on my cheek, his words warm against my skin. "You're red, Catalina."

He almost cracks a smile as he pulls back, and walks off leaving me stunned. Speechless. Disorientated.

I'm dizzy, staring at a square water fountain in the distance as my cheek tingles. Something unravels in my chest and I touch two fingers to where he kissed.

Maybe reputations aren't to be easily believed.

~Silas POV~

Everything is falling in its place.

I'm not smug as I step into the elevator, rather I'm shocked. Women have always been immune to my ways but never did I expect it from the daughter of Santiago Alvarez.

She's innocent, so much that it makes her stupid when it comes to men. Somebody has to tell that woman not to go on rooftops with strangers, but I should be thanking her. She made my job easy.

The doors part at the lobby and I can't help but wear a smirk as I walk out and see Leone talking to a young woman. He notices me and lowers his eyebrows, before starting to scan around the lobby for someone else, someone who has dark curls, always wears a smile and is too trusting.

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