Chapter 25 - Jealousy

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~Silas POV~

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mr Cavallaro." The low-voiced blonde smiles as she rubs her fingers against my bicep. When my stare runs cold, she removes her hand, but still doesn't stop talking. "Me and my sister have heard a lot about you."

The brunette nods, her earrings making a clattering sound. If these two weren't the sisters of Ivan - the man I'm using right now, I'd have thrown that hand off of me. I could have done it now, but I have to make a good impression.

God knows it's not gonna last.

"Good." I say dryly. "So you two have heard how fast I can break an arm, two tops."

Their faces drop. It takes a second for them to leave, and they don't look at me again after that. That's the third time I've dealt with being hit on today.

You'd think it's flattering, but it gets fucking old. People always want something from me. Money. Affection. A life.

Every woman that comes up to me thinks she's an exception to my lifestyle. They think they're special, or that they can change me, but when they try I just replace them with someone easier. Someone who wouldn't try to crack me open.

Someone the opposite of Catalina.

Speaking of that meddler, I look around for her pale yellow dress. Over the bookshelves, the brown couches, and the people speckled around the room, but she isn't anywhere to be seen.

"Fuck." I mutter and pull my hands out of my pockets, turning around to take a better look. This woman was going to be tonights fucking end.

All the chatter grows into an echo. I can feel my heartbeat pick up, feel the panic spread through my blood like ice before I see her near the windows. Unhurt. Untouched.

I let out a quiet breathe. She's standing still, in a dress that bears curves I'd never seen before today.

When she smiles wide and throws her head back in laughter, my chest stops rising. There's no one in here like her. Hell, there's nobody within miles like her.

Curls that bounce with every movement. Lips that speak so soft, yet seductively. And that compassion.

The people in this room would eat her alive if they saw it.

My tongue runs over my teeth. I wonder if there's a side of her that isn't pure minded. A side that wants to be touched, bare skin against skin. My hand around her neck. Those pretty eyes looking up at me. Something's wrong.

What the hell am I thinking?

It'd be a fucking fantasy, but that's Catalina I'm thinking about. Strictly off limits.

And then there's him.

A measly blonde standing in front of her, with specs and skin layered in tan that makes him stick out more than Catalina's dress. I bet he rented that suit. It looks like a goddamn costume.

He says something, and when she runs her eyes over his body, heat broils in my chest. My jaw tightens and I take a drink from a passing waiter, throwing it back and feeling it burn my throat.

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