Chapter 44 - I Knew You Were Trouble

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For a girl who fell in love with every stranger who opened the door for her, I never chased after anyone.

At eighteen, I had a monster crush on the gardener but never once gave in to his signals. At twenty one, I got engaged to Leone but didn't try harder with him once I realised he didn't love me.

I was fine in my own space, only chasing after my dreams...and then I met the man who destroyed all of that.

My fingers tap against the counter. The rain isn't heavy today, but it's been pouring down since this morning. Watching the black sky through the windows, I step towards the french doors leading outside and pull one open, inhaling the smell of rainwater and concrete.

This reminds me of Colombia. God do I miss a lot.

I stick my hand out and watch the droplets of rain pool in my palm, wondering how my family are back home. But when footsteps sound from inside, my thoughts come to a halt.

I don't look behind, but knowing he's home early, and is watching me makes my hand grow a little heavier.

With the contrast of the cool rainwater in my hand and the heat gathering on my skin, I feel ill.

When enough time and tension passes, I close the door and slowly turn to meet his eyes.

A coat hangs in his inked hand. His hair is ruffled and a little wet from being in rain, and there's a hard layer over his eyes as if he'd just dealt with something I don't want to know.

Gaze on me, he drops his coat on the kitchen chair, loosens his tie with one hand, and effortlessly reaches for the high cupboard to get a glass.

Seeing him today is different...maybe because now I know why he's doing all of this. Now I know why he has an X on his hand, or why he's so adamant on making Leone miserable.

I always thought the reason would be grim and psycotic, but it's all because of someone he lost and I find it kind of sweet. Sad, even.

My stomach flutters and so do my eyelids when he comes towards the sink right next to me and fills a glass of water. His side brushes mine as he takes one sip and sets the glass down. "Did you do what I told you?"

"Ate the birth control. You're safe." Since he didn't drink his water, I pick up his glass and sip it, meeting his eyes as if I'm stealing a precious elixir of his. "And I don't agree with entrapment."

"No?" He says with bland amusement. "Sounds like a good idea though."

I set the glass down and frown. "I'm not that hungry for money. Besides, I'd have to feel something for you to do that."

His eyes narrow. "You're lying Catalina."

"How?" I ask, and watch his sight wander off in thought. "I thought you of all people would think that sex doesn't equate to feelings. I can't imagine how many dinner dates you've turned down-"

He meets my gaze with a hot and dark look. "You're not a dinner date."

I step back. Warmth sparks into a quiet flame inside me, and I don't know if I have room to be in denial again.

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