Chapter 41 - Drowning

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When I woke up this morning, the bed was empty. I assumed Silas was up for work, and knowing how he's disgustingly a morning person, I tried to learn from him and forced myself out of bed even though I felt like sleeping all day.

I should start exercising. I don't even do ballet anymore, so I force myself to the gym wearing my pink yoga pants and a white ballerina sweater.

As the hallway stretches before me, the cream pillars and Italian artwork make me slow down.

Seeing the gold lining the walls, my hand drags along it and I wonder if it's real gold before a pair of eyes stop me in my thoughts.

Yesterday's storm ended before morning, but I think it's nothing compared to the one standing before me in a blue-black button up, a brand new watch, and a warm, distant gaze that makes me shudder with desire.

My sight lowers to his hands. God, I'd let this man do anything to me.

"Your staring's getting worse." He reminds me and I look away. Humour flames to life in his eyes, but his face is still blank like it always is when he has to say something serious.

"I'm going to Chicago tomorrow."

"And what-"

"You're coming with me."

My eyes grow round with the sureness of his voice. "Is that a choice?"

His lips part as if he's about to say no, but then he closes it. Shocked at this reaction, I raise my brows. This man is so used to not giving people choices, he doesn't know how to say "Yes Catalina, I'm giving you a choice."

A taunting smile forms on my mouth. It feels good seeing him uncomfortable. "Something wrong?"

He looks away and swipes a hand over his jaw, the other hand in his pocket. "Come..." he pauses. "If you want."

"If I want?" I purse my lips, tilting my head a little. "Since when did you become such a gentleman?"

"It's not gonna last long so make your choice."

"I'll think about it, but I have to ask..." I slowly pace the hallway towards him. "Is it a business thing?"

"No, it's not a business thing."

"Mmhmm." My waist tie wraps around my finger as I move around him. "What would we do there?"

In the quiet, a sinful look touches his eyes. And I swear I see what's going through his head when he says "Whatever you want."

Heat pools beneath my skin. "And if I say no, will you kidnap me and-"

A breath leaves me when he grabs my nape and pulls me towards him. "Don't push it love."

"After yesterday, I think I will. What was it you said? That you'll wait?"

He ignores me, but pulls me a little closer. "I need answer about the trip."

"I'm too busy for Chicago."

"Doing?" His tone had never been so flat.

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