Chapter 11 - Is There Someone Else?

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New York is a weird, weird place.

Everything inside this mall screams at me, from the colourful Christmas decorations, to the millions of lights twinkling on each surface. Walking in, I take a deep breath of hamburger scented air.

"For fucks sake Ewan!" A woman nudges her husband forward telling him to hurry, and crowds push past me not even apologising for it. Silas is long gone, but I take my time and stop at a little stall.

"How much is this?" I ask the merchant, touching a keychain. "Oh, and is it real silver? I'd hate for it to rust after a shower, especially-" The seller opens his mouth, but it hangs as his gaze moves over my head.

"Do I have to keep you on a leash?" Silas's voice bites at my neck.

I gulp, stepping away from his proximity. It takes me a second of annoyance to throw on a look of confidence. Its hilarious when I start to wander around and he tries to keep up with my speed. Who's on a leash now?

I just can't wait to see his face when I buy the most expensive dress in this entire mall. The shops are endless, as are the choices of clothes. Mama isn't here to give me advice - or to buy me a dress I hate - so I turn to Silas when I see the first store I like.

As if he knows, he pulls out his card.

"Is there a limit?" I ask as I take it.

"No. Buy what you want."

Ok. If he says so....


Carrying my five shopping bags makes me feel like a teenage girl on a shopping spree. I've probably spent around ten thousand right here, maybe purposely just to spite Silas, but he doesn't look affected.

He walks ahead of me, occasionally looking back to see if I'm still here instead of just choosing to walk alongside me. God he was conceited.

"Hello?" I call out, realising there's a huge gap between us. He should slow down, but instead he just glances over his shoulder at me and turns like I'm nothing. My jaw clenches and I hurry up to him, stopping in front of him.

"I think I wanna to go Dior again."



His brows lower in awareness. He knows I'm trying to annoy him, but thinks it won't work. Let's see about that.

I walk into the store, and see a beautiful pink crossbody bag I want, but don't need. "Excuse me, I'll take that bag there. The pink one."

The employee wafts towards the bag and points at it, looking at me for assurance.

Just as Silas walks in, I scan around the store. There's some jewellery here too. Silas comes towards me, tilts my chin up and leans close to me. So close, I can smell that custom cologne.

"If you think I'm gonna cry over money, you have the wrong guy."

My pulse flutters. "We'll see." I tell him, but the only person I should be punishing in here is me. His voice sends tingles along my skin. His presence, a mere whisper, quiet enough to unsettle you.

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