Chapter 28 - Killshot

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~Catalina POV~

I'm still half-dead. Lying on the ground. Pinned down by Silas forehead rests on mine. My eyes are wide as I stare at all of the glass on the floor, before looking at him

Silas lets out a deep groan, burying his head over my shoulder with his eyes squeezed shut. I panic wondering what the hell just happened, I was only walking around when I was thrown to the floor.

Around me, people are screaming and emptying out the penthouse. The reflection of Moscows skyline shines against the glossy tile floors, covered in giant shards of glass.

Renzo quickly helps Silas up, a gasp leaving my mouth when I see glass sticking out of his back.  I scramble and stand to see if I have any in me, but I don't. Silas took the brunt of it all.


Silas clutches onto the dashboard and groans. A streetlight gives way to the drips of darkness down his back, and theres so much of it, I feel my chest constrict.

Bleeding this much would require a hospital visit, but instead we arrive at the lodge. "What?!" I exclaim. "What about the hospital?"

Renzo only gestures for me to leave, so we get out into the black of the night with Silas half dying. God they're weird. Papa never took me to hospitals but I assumed the Italians were more advanced. Not.

"Go inside and get plasters, bandages, anything." Renzo urged while trying to help Silas inside, but Silas pushes him away and walks in on his own.

With every step is a sound of pain. It only makes me run faster inside, through the little wooden hallway down to the one bedroom. For once I'm thankful to have thin skin, I've got plasters in my purse.

I pull them out and hurry to the living room, where there's only one dim light on the wall, and nothing but the cold.

Renzo tosses logs into the fireplace and rushes to start it, his breaths puffs of fog before the fire roars and he steps back.

Orange lights up the room, it's warmth so sudden I feel like diving into the fire.

"We need more wood." Renzo says, putting his hands on his hips. When a look of anxiety forms on my face he rolls his eyes and holds two fingers to signify two minutes, before leaving.

Oh Crap.

Silas's breathing gets heavier as he paces around, and then leans his palms against the wall next to the fireplace. I have no idea what to do for the first ten seconds before the sight of the blood sinks in, and I realise he's in pain.

"You didn't have to save me."

"Do you prefer being blown to pieces?" He grunts through his teeth, fingers tightening on the wall. With his back facing me, all I can focus on are the bits of glass sticking out. I never thought I'd care about a man like him being hurt. I still don't, I think, but can't stop my feet from moving towards him.

Silas looks over his shoulder to send me a sharp, but pained glare. "Stay away."

"I'm just trying to help you." I say as I get closer before he turns, suddenly towering over me.

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