Chapter 8 - Revenge

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I don't let myself sleep.

I don't move either. I sit on the bed with my knees to my chest, watch the bitter sunrise, and listen to the sounds of Silas's gentle breathing.

It's freezing, so cold my bones are aching and I'm shivering every second I sit without a blanket but it doesn't matter. I'd rather die than sleep under the same covers as him.

I manage to lay on my back and nod off for a few hours, and when I wake up to Silas getting out of the bathroom, I pretend to remain asleep.

His hair is wet, he's dressed in a black dress shirt and pants and I have to wonder if he's working today or not.

"Get up. We've got breakfast in five."



After the hell he's put me through how can he expect me to eat at all? My eyes open to give him a hard stare as he puts on his weird futuristic watch. "I don't want to eat."

His eyes narrow a fraction of an inch, but at this point I don't even care if I piss off the great Cavallaro. Last night was hell enough, I'd like to see what else he can do with me.

When he's done removing his watch, Silas stalks towards my bedside and crouches down.

Anyone normal would think this man is comforting me. That he's here to keep me safe, wrap me in a blanket of his warmth and tell me I have nothing to worry about, but everything - from the way his tattooed hand reaches out, to how taunt plays in his eyes when I tense - screams danger.

His thumb caresses my skin, and this hold on me is scarily warm. Seducing. Deceiving, but I know better. I know I can't ever be safe when I'm the subject of this touch.

"This marriage has to look real." His eyes darken. "Give others a reason to doubt it and I'll throw you out on your ass without a penny."

With how fast I pull away from him you'd think he's poison. "Two minutes." He stands and swiftly adjusts his coat. "My family is waiting."

And the door clicks shut.


After showering, brushing my teeth and rushing out of the bathroom with soap suds crinkling in my hair, I rip open my suitcase stuffed with lingerie Mama bought me. I guess I won't be needing that.

After digging through the lace, I pull out the only good outfit I have and try not to roll my eyes.

Of course, Mama replaced my baby blue dress with a provocatively tight red one. I let out a grumble, grabbing my head to think. There's nothing else to wear until the rest of my bags arrive, so I throw it on.

I don't even look in the mirror before stepping in my silver heels and rushing out. Once I find the grand staircase, I place a hand on the wooden railing and try not to fall on the way down to the foyer, which is massive.

At the bottom of the staircase, I stare up at the skylight, having no clue where to go next. My home in Colombia was big, but is the size of a shed compared to this one.

I always hated houses that are too huge to live in, you'll never know where you're going when heading downstairs for a glass of water at night.

I take a step forward, but when I hear a female voice I know I'm saved.

A young women walks towards a door far from the staircase, not noticing my presence. When I call out for her, she turns and stares at me with confusion.

I head towards her. "I remember you from yesterday, you're-"

"Oh right, the new cook." She touches her bleached blonde head. "Breakfast is being served right now so get to work on lunch, and don't burn the kitchen down like the last one, got it?"

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