Chapter 47 - Verdict

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~Silas POV~

"Some vacation you have booked. This is part of the fake marriage thing right?"

I slam my car door shut, and because I'm quiet while walking to the doors of the mansion, Renzo takes it as a reply and laughs like a Goddamn clown.

"Huuuh, so we've gotten to that part of the story? Is that why you've stopping coming to the club to get laid?"

"Fuck up you pervert, and go deal with what I just told you. Chicago has to be perfect. I find a flaw, I'll wring your little neck."

He lets out a loud snicker. "Just the sweetness I admire from you cousin."

Shutting the phone, I step out the rain into the house and pause, adjusting to the temperature change. It looks like Catalina misses Colombia, cause she always has the damn heating turned up.

Speaking of her, I expect to find her at the bottom steps strapping her shoes but the lobby's empty. I'd been at work for an hour and she's still not ready?

You wanted a wife Cavallaro. Deal with it.

My glance flickers sideways and I stalk towards the kitchen archway, entering the dim room and stopping by the sink to fill a glass of water.

Once drinking it I set the glass down and step away from the counter, heading back to the lobby.

Before I reach the marble staircase, something twinkling from the floor pulls me to a stop. I'd have stepped over it, but the familiarity of it strikes me enough to pick it up.

Her earring. I know it's hers because only she would wear baby pink in this house. Bianca spat on the colour.

Speaking of my sister, she walks in from the living room making a tapping show of her heels.

"Where's Catalina?" I ask blankly, not lifting my gaze from the tiny pink earring in my palm.

Bianca stops by the living room door, dressed in whatever trampy pvc dress is in style today. "She hasn't been here for a while actually." She says quietly, and when I meet her gaze she only holds it for a second before it drops to the floor.

My eyes narrow in suspicion, and when she tries walking off I stop her by her arm.

"What do you mean."

She swallows, unleashing a second of anxiety in her throat before it's gone. An alarming bitterness banishes the fear in her eyes, and my pulse stands still. "I told you you'd be the biggest sucker for love, didn't I?"

At first I hope she's joking, but when seeing that psychotic gleam in her - one every Cavallaro inherits, I know. I shouldn't have left Catalina home with her.

I throw her arm away and head for the staircase, forcing myself to go up at a normal pace. All I can hear is my jagged breathing and the sound of my footsteps the closer I get to the top. My fingers tense when I see mine and her bedroom doors. I tell myself she's fine, that she's in her room putting stuff in her hair but fuck, something about this feels off.

I open my bedroom door, but its empty. Storming out, I throw her door open and dart my gaze towards every corner of her bedroom - over the unmade sheets, the vanity scattered with make up...I even check the bathroom and the walk in wardrobe. Nothing.

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