Chapter 48 - Prison Break

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This is the first place I've been terrified of women.

Never had I met such vile creatures. From the second I walked in, I was prey to all of them and they jumped on me instantly. The shortest one was the strongest, she was like a leprechaun.

My heavy head tilts down, and I stare at the tears soaking through my orange pants. I'd been sitting here for only five minutes, twirling a chunk of my own ripped out hair between my fingers, with the same stupid word repeating in my mind.




My head drops back against the wall and I let my eyes fall shut. My first day in prison. Who could ever think?

My Papa always called me the light of his eyes. Look where I am now. I'm a criminal sharing a crusty room with three other inmates.

The ceilings and walls are made of white, rotting brick. There are two bunks, one on each side of the room with the mattresses covered in crisp sheets to hide the fact that they're as thin as cardboard.

There's only one toilet. One barred window, and its too high to reach.

I'd try to reach it for a breath of fresh air, but I won't move from my bed. Not until Silas is here, and he'll be here soon.

"What's your name?"

The sound of the near voice makes me flinch, and I shuffle away from the girl bent under the bunk, peering at me. "That'll change in about two weeks." She remarks, blinking her Icy blue eyes.

I stare at her. Nobody's spoken to me in here, the girls only threatened me and told me to stay out their ways.

For a while nobody says anything. She looks at me like I'm a toy, for a long time and in a second of weakness I let myself scan the blue patterned scarf wrapped around her head.

She probably notices me staring but doesn't say anything, and instead digs into the pocket of her orange pants. When she pulls her hand out, her fingers unfold to reveal something shiny. Chocolate.

Nope - no way. This could be drugged for all I know.

I take the chocolate, retracting back into my own bubble on the corner of my bed. "Catalina." I say quietly.

"Why are you here then? You don't look like a killer."

"You don't either."

She raises her brows like shes impressed by me. "You're the first to think that."

I don't reply, I only stare at my golden-wrapped chocolate square and wonder why she's not threatening me. Or is she?

"I'm only here for a while." I say and she kneels down next to my bed like my words were interesting enough for her to level with me.

"Thats what I believed too." She rasps quietly. Darkly. "It's been ten years in here."

"But I have a husband who'll get me."

She raises a thick brow. "Hm. You trust him that much?"

Trust doesn't matter. All I know is that he is going to get me. Silas needs me. Without me, his little plan to get Leone to crack is nothing.

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