Chapter 33 - Not Allowed

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~Catalina POV~

There are eight months left of this marriage.

As the end races towards me, I'm growing more desperate to reach it. Yes, I run from everything.

From danger. Judgement. People that intimidate me. My response to anything that scares me is to flee, and now I'm fleeing from Silas.

I wish I could understand the gravitational pull towards him. The urge to talk to him, invoke him or gain any attention from him is starting to consume me. The ache in my chest grows needier the closer he comes, and it scares me.

No man has come close to me. I've gone long enough untouched, unseen, hidden away in the walls of my home where the only guy who could look at me was my bodyguard. And he was fifty.

A sigh leaves my chest as I hit the lights on. He wasn't even good looking either.

I scan the empty room before stepping in, my rock hard ballet shoes tapping against the fresh marble. This room could be a marriage hall.

I found it a few weeks ago and thought it's perfect to dance in without being seen by Pietro the crocodile.

Besides, I like the abandoned vibe here. Nothing but a few couches pushed to the side and covered with white cloth, and a giant chandelier wrapped in plastic.

I head towards one of the ten arched windows and pull open the red curtains, coughing at the dust coming out of them.

Time to dance. I first sit down and stretch, and then stand to do some pirouettes. It's been so long since I danced, I forgot how much I love it.

Spinning around the room in my ballet shoes, I almost smile at the feel of the air going through my curls. For once I forget everything around me. Only I exist.

Until the door opens and I catch a glimpse of a bald head.


I gasp and fall to the ground, landing on my elbow.

Tucking his hands behind his white coat, he grimaces and walks in. Sour old man. I've never met someone as dull as him, I'd like to think there's some tragic backstory as to why he's so cranky but I doubt there's any.

Cavallaros have a history of being wicked.

"My daughter hasn't been found yet." He says tightly, stopping at the window and staring out into the garden. I slowly move some hair from my face and try to stand.

"I...I'm sure she'll be found soon..." I mutter, words starting to tremble. "I don't doubt Silas's men."

"Hm. But I don't know the reason she left. Maybe if I knew, I'd have an idea of where she is."

What do I say to that? That I'm the reason she left?

Rubbing my arm, I stare at myself through the shiny ground. Maybe I shouldn't have been here.

I slowly step back to leave but Pietro turns away from the daylight to face me. After staring at me for a while, his grimace grows deeper. "What? Don't look so unassuming, everything happens because of you."

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