Chapter 21 - Change

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My weekend could have been worse.

I could have been trampled down by a horse or struck with a terminal illness instead of food poisoning.

Sighing, I rub my back. I should be grateful, but its hard to be that when every part of your body is beating you up.

The swaying of a white tree in the backyard makes me look out the kitchen window. Regardless of how shattered I am, I crave to go outside. Snow still irks me, but just imagine what the fresh air would feel like after so long.

Sighing, I bite into my grape. Clearly, I know I can't digest meals, so I'm having a platter of fruit. The maids busy around gossiping about a man Silas killed. Bianca walks in wearing full neon orange. Its a normal day.

I slide off the stool to go to the fridge, getting followed by Bianca. "I'm going shopping." She declares, looking at my shoes like she's questioning my worth. "I need someone to go with me, my friend bailed."


"I'll be nice to you for a week."

My mouth opens to decline, but then I stop myself. I'd rather spend the day with Bianca than stay in the house being miserable. I mean, what if I run into Pietro?

"Ok, I'll-"

A familiar warmth radiates onto my back. "With who's permission?" Silas rasps dryly.

It takes me a long few seconds to register exactly what he's just said. I gulp, before slowly turning to face Silas - or his chest. "Do you look like my father?"

"No, but I look like your husband." His eyes drop low to scan over my body before he meets my gaze and sips his water. "Don't ask her to do shit I won't agree to Bianca."

Bianca huffs and walks towards the island, muttering something about how she can never get her way in this house. Meanwhile my glare has become fearless. There's too much going on.

Too much to take in. His tattooed forearms. The shape of his body beneath his dark blue dress shirt. And then, the soft brown eyes that watched me sleep yesterday. I feel slapping him.

"What is your problem?"

"My problem is you, you wont sit still." He sets his glass down, the sunlight against his biceps a view I'm trying hard not to take in. 

Usually I'd walk away, or lower my head and feel even a little bit intimidated, but Silas does not scare me. My eyes harden on his, though he's apathetic as ever - like I'm someone he's struggling to take seriously.

I don't even want to go shopping that badly, but after hearing his order I'm insistent.

"I'm going shopping, and thats it. You don't have to pay for me if thats what you're worried about-"

Silas chuckles and runs a hand over his mouth. "Oh chiaro di luna." I can't help but feel warmth gather in my stomach. "Say the word and I'll buy you the mall."

"No, I'm going."

"Yeah, she's going." Bianca says, typing on her phone. When she meets Silas's eyes her expression twists awkwardly and she looks away. As Silas is distracted by her I walk away from him before he grabs my arm.

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