Chapter 51 - Feels

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~Catalina POV~

My Papa always told me I was incapable. Every time I'd ask him to get rid of the guards in my house and let me go out, he made me feel like I wouldn't be able to handle it, that the world was too harsh for me.

If only he could see how well I'm handling it now. Standing in front of Silas again, I'd never felt so accomplished.

Its not easy for a stranger to tell but I know he's beyond irritated with my presence. Fists clenched. Jaw tight. The brink of insanity in his whiskey eyes.

The air flows in through the open double doors of the lobby, touching my bare skin. I thought I'd have so much more to say to him but I can't find the words anymore, he's so different it's distracting me. Plus, he's in a tux.

His thick black hair is a little longer than before and neatly combed, his build is leaner, and there are a few small tattoos at the sides of his neck. One of them a crescent.

He's been frozen for the past few seconds, like he still can't process what's going on. Leone shifts in his place at the side of the lobby.

The air hits me harder than before and his eyes follow the movement of my dress before he pulls them to mine again.

"Bullshit." He snaps.

I narrow my eyes and show him my ring. Fake ring, I'm not marrying that stupid idiot Leone. I'm only using him to get back at Silas.

A muscle in Silas's jaw twitches with annoyance when he sees my hand, invoking me to turn to Leone who I forgot was even here. "Will you go start the car...sweetie?" I ask softly.


Leone nods briefly and heads out the door, leaving me and Silas alone.

He looks like he has a lot to say but is stopping himself from speaking, so I help him out and step away from the decorative table, moving closer to him. "You look a little pale."

"What the hell are you playing at?"

My lips tilt a little and I walk past him, before I begin to circle him. "Playing you at your own game." I finally reply.

Silas's eyes follow me, my hips brushing against his black coat. My skin warming at the friction.

When I get too close, his fists clench and he grabs my wrist to keep me still. "I mean why are you back?"

Shocked at his hand on me, I try pulling it back. "To finish off this marriage." I grunt, eventually giving up. "There's still a month and two weeks left and I want my money. I want to rob you dry-"

He angrily leans close, so close his cologne burns into my bloodstream. "So you're back to rob me again?" He fumes.

"I never robbed you in the first place Silas. You were the one who robbed me."

He throws my arm away like its acid.

Steadying myself, I fight the urge to hit him. "I'll meet you at the house." I rasp. "I figured since we have to fake this marriage again, I should stay with you."

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