Chapter 34 - Pulse

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~Catalina POV~

Drip. Drip. Drip.

A dry gulp. A slow breath. I slide off the kitchen counter and when my feet hit the floor, I don't know where I am. The walls still whisper to me the words he said, taunting me. Reminding me that I'm oblivious to everything.

Am I stupid?

I should have known the rules wouldn't work when we set them. All this proximity to Silas, sleeping against him, spending my time pretending to be in love with him- it's messing with my mind.

I smooth a palm over the side of my head, pushing my hair away. My only obstacle in front of getting what I want - money, is him and it has to stop. I leave the kitchen, go to the foyer and head up the marble staircase.

There are only a few lights on in the house so I'm guessing he's asleep and open the bedroom door - but he's up. And bare.

Hair wet. Glossy, chiseled physique out for me to see. Heat erupts in my stomach when I realise my mistake, but its too late. I can't even bring myself to look away, until I meet his eyes.


A line forms between his brows as he fists a shirt.

"I'm moving into the guest room" I finally blurt. It takes a second, two seconds, and his expression grows dull.

"It's best for the both of us." I continue, not expecting him to care. "We have to establish a difference between our fake relationship and our real one...."

I have nothing else to say so I spin to leave, dread building at the thought of sleeping alone, unprotected in a house with Pietro.

His footsteps follow and he grabs my hand, his touch sending me into a disorientated state. I'm forced to look into his eyes, but he doesn't say anything.

He looks concerned, afraid...

"Let go Silas." I plead, and wait a few long moments before he listens and slowly releases me.

Being too cowardly to stay a second longer I leave and head to a cold and quiet room, wishing it didn't have to be like this.

White drapes hang from the ceiling. A huge beige bed sits in the middle like it's been untouched for years before I crawl onto it. My arms wrap around my body thinking about that moment in the kitchen.

I didn't let myself taste him, but what state would I be in if I had?

This distance is good. It's for the best, right?

It's for the best.


The next morning I avoid everyone in the house. Until the party tonight I'm not seeing Silas, so I stay in my room and take a long bath in the connected bathroom.

After that I prepare my dress and outfit for tonight. Bruno's arriving in New York just before the party, and since this is an engagement party of a couple my family knew too, he's coming.

Lifting it up by the hanger, I stare blankly at the pale, short dress.

No colour, no texture. Just yellow.

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