Euphoria (Age 7)

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"Ink! Ink!"

Link's little sister ran towards him, her tiny feet moving quickly. She couldn't pronounce her "L"s yet so she said Link as "Ink" and Medilia as "Medaya". She couldn't even pronounce her own name, Aryll.

Link leaned his stick against the wooden fence, the sun tingling his cheeks. He couldn't help but smile, and hold his sister's hands. Aryll had just turned two a few weeks ago, and was as happy as ever.

He clasped his hand around her tiny one and bowed down "Greetings Princess Aryll," he said, grinning. Aryll squealed in delight "Pincess!" she giggled, forgetting the "r" Link loved his sister. He was glad that the baby was a girl. "Up!" Aryll demanded, her tangled, corn hair bobbing in time with the stomp of her foot.

Link bent down and his sister clambered onto his back, giggling the whole time. Link jumped back up, causing Aryll to scream in delight "Where to, princess?" Link asked, putting on a gallant and knightly voice. Aryll pointed back to the house with her finger and started playing with his hair, making it messy. 

But Link didn't mind one bit.

Link would walk to wherever the toddler on his back pointed to, sometimes randomly running, other times jumping. Aryll's bubbly laughter and his shouts filled the air, they laughed and laughed until they were too tired to laugh. When Link got tired, he put his sister down gently. 

Aryll jumped on the grass with a thud "Ink! Ari hide!" Aryll gushed, completely saying her name wrong. Link tipped his head "Hide and seek?" he asked, Aryll nodded vigorously. Link ruffled her hair "But aren't you tired?" he smiled at her, softly. Aryll shook her head "NO!" she yelled.

Link stretched his arms back and stood up "Okay, I'll count to ten." he gave in, re-tying his hair. Aryll clapped and ran off before Link could even start counting. Amused, Link turned his head to the house and started counting.

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 9 and a half.... 9 and three quarters... 10!"

Link turned around quickly, knowing that Aryll is probably hiding behind the shed, like every time they play. "Now..." he said in an exaggerated tone "Where could the Princess possibly be?" he said, smirking when he heard a suppressed laugh. 

"Is she behind the..." Link turned his sight to the tree "Tree?!" he yelled and quickly looked behind it "No...?" he said, pretending to be disappointed. Link thought he could've won an award for his acting skills.

"Link." Said a stern voice.

Link tensed up and turned around, knowing what was coming. He steeled himself up for the scolding that was to follow and straightened his back.

"Stop this tomfoolery! One day you will have to go and get a job- does this mean that you get to waste time? Do you think that a job will just fall into your lap without any efforts?! We are trying so hard to afford your training. Is this how you repay us?!"

"No, sir."

"You will stop this fooling about at once. I do not want to see you wasting your time playing when you could be training. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

Aryll's small hand reached up and held Link's hand. Aryll looked at her father "Ink play wif Ari!" she said, trying to understand why her father was so mad at her brother. The knight looked at his daughter so sternly that it almost reduced her to tears.

"This is not a conversation you can understand. Stay out of this Aryll." He said in such a steely tone, it could have cut. Feeling Arylls grip on his hand tighten, Link decided to intervene "She was only trying to understand, father!" he protested, squeezing his sister's hand in his.

"Did I ask for your opinion, Link?"

"... No, sir."

And with that, the man stalked off.

Link sat down on the grass, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Aryll tugged at his sleeve "He Hate us?" she asked him, quietly. Link looked at her in disbelief "Of course he doesn't!" Link said, mainly trying to convince himself "He's our father,"

Aryll nodded, still not completely understanding, and leaned on Link. Link looked at her "Aryll?" he asked, his sister hummed in response, Link averted his eyes "Do you think I'll ever be a knight?"

"Ink aready is."

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