Serendipity (Age: 10)

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Link's wooden sword banged against the steel sword of a knight's school graduate. Talo had just graduated that summer, a few weeks ago, he was a sturdy boy 15 years of age, so it came as no surprise he graduated. Talo was a favourite right from the start, he would be promoted to the royal guard soon, Link suspected.

But Talo had always felt threatened by Link. During class, the young child's head was always tilted up in defiance, his piercing blue eyes were focused, looking as if they could cut through steel. And the worst part, Link possessed exceptional swordsmanship. 

And here he stood, a mere boy of 10 fighting Talo. Link's wooden sword had been chipped by Talo's steel one, the older knight was enjoying this. Talo wanted to humiliate the 'little brat', wanted to show him that he was nothing but a shrimp.

"RAH!" Talo swung his sword down sharply, a sickening slash sounded. Link flinched back, and the top of his sword fell down, sliced in half. The young boy drew his hand to his cheek, he looked at it, recognising the crimson liquid.

The memory of Medilia stabbed him in the chest, it hurt him more than the cut. He remembered the fireplace, the concern in her voice. But he also remembered how she had screamed. The blood welled up and fell down his cheek, like a tear.

Talo smirked "Shrimp," he said lowly, so no one would hear. One of the senior knights helped Link up "There you go, little knight. You fought well." the knight smiled at Link. Link couldn't smile back, numb from the sudden memories.

The knight patted Link on the back and then announced "Talo is the victor!" and then the claps and cheers erupted. The Zoras cheered for Talo too. Even the Zoras...

Link's father stood above him, his gaze sharp "Don't let your guard down. Anticipate your enemy's moves. I taught you better than this, Link." Link's ears burned with shame as his father walked away from him, congratulating Talo as if Talo was his own son.

Then again, Link had never felt like his son.

"I thought you were very brave." Said a gentle voice, almost as soft as his mother's. A young Zora stood behind him, her hands clasped tightly, as if she was embarrassed. She looked away from him "I think you should have won."

"I-..." Link started "thank you..." he turned his full attention to the girl.

She was a pink Zora, almost crimson in colour, and she had amber eyes. She wore silver and turquoise jewellery that tinkled when she moved, and something about her made her look different from the other Zoras.  The girl cast her eyes down in embarrassment 

"My name is Mipha- OH!" she yelped, seeing Link quickly kneel down in front of her in a deep bow. Mipha quickly pulled him up "You don't need to do that!" she squeaked, Link quickly apologised "Sorry, your highness." 

Mipha shook her head "Just call me, Mipha!" she quickly added "and no formalities!" Link nodded, the ghost of a smile forming on his lips.

Mipha's eyes widened "You're hurt!" Link shrugged "It will heal." he said quietly, kind of flustered at the attention he was suddenly getting. From the princess at that!

The princess shook her head "hold still," she then, without warning, put her hand on Link's cheek "H-..Huh?! what are y-" "I'm helping!" Mipha's voice was stubborn. Link felt a slight sense of tingling on his cheek, puzzled, he let Mipha do whatever it was that she was doing.

After a few seconds, it was done. Mipha gave him a closed eye smile "Feel better?" Link nodded, surprisingly the pain in his cheek had ebbed away. He drew his hand to his cheek, the blood had vanished.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem! I'm happy to help, because usually no one lets me do anything because they're scared I'll get hurt or lost. Are you hurt anywhere else?? Can I help with anything else-"

"Could you have healed my mother?"

Link's eyes suddenly turned emotionless and his voice was monotone. Mipha's smile slipped off, and the princess was at loss of words.

Link's voice trembled "She was sick... with malice." he turned his head away so Mipha couldn't see his watery eyes "and then... a Moblin it-... ki-" 

"I'm sorry."

Mipha gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry too." Link whispered, his heart ripping in half.

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