Aftermath (Age: 9)

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It had been a week after Medilia's death.


Link's eyes had dark circles under them from the sleepless nights, his eyes had lost all emotion and were now simply cerulean pebbles, reflecting the outside world seeking to blend in. He was skinny, his collar bone jutted out, a result of all those days when he was too depressed to eat.

And his voice hadn't been used since she died.

Or barely at all. His attitude was sullen, his eyes set in a constant glare. Of all the Hylians in Hyrule, why did it have to be him?

Aryll was mostly the same. She had no mother to cling to or cuddle, so she treated Link as that motherly figure. Whenever she would clutch at his arm, the hole in Link's heart only grew and grew.

'she shouldn't be hugging me,' he would think 'she should be with medilia.' and the hole inside would become a yawning black hole.

The pain inside, Link just wanted to clutch it and pull it out of his body. He wanted to scream and scream, even after his voice was gone. He would scream, no sound coming from his lips. He was empty now.

Nothing but a vessel his father forced his dreams on.

Even now, as he stood in the grass, a stick in hand. Even after a week, he felt the pain as if it were new. Before him stood a practice dummy, but in his mind, it was the moblin that took it all away from him. 

He thrust his sword (Stick) into the dummy's heart, just like his teacher taught him. He then perfomed a parry and a block, his anger grew. His breathing came in ragged gasps, he'd been at this for hours. He did a side leap and struck a fatal blow at its ribs, the he kicked out a swift foot and in one second, the dummy was on the ground.

Link, sweat beading at his brow and gasping for air, looked at the dummy in a new light. Something sparked in his eyes, he imagined it as the moblin.

Link threw himself at it, stabbing it in the heart. He imagined its sticky, crimson blood splattering on his cheek, he could almost smell the intoxicating irony scent of it. The moblin would raise a clawed hand, but before it could, Link imagined snapping the creatures neck.

The snap echoed through his mind, giving him a sense of satisfaction. He imagined the light fading out of the moblin's eyes, as it breathed one last, rattling breath. 

And then it would fall.

Link opened his eyes. In an instant, the moblin disappeared. It was replaced bu the dummy, all mangled now, ripped to shreds. There was stuffing everywhere, on his clothes, in his golden hair. He let out a strangled wail, wishing it was all real.


Link turned around so ferociously, hoping it was the moblin. Hoping he could kill it. His eyes were glazed over with a predatory instinct. 

Aryll cowered, her eyes widened. Link instantly relaxed his arched back and softened his gaze "Aryll?" he said gently. Aryll clutched at her pure white frock, holding back tears.

Link immediately rushed to her side "What is it, Aryll?" he breathed, not wanting to break her. His sister quickly hugged him, her arms only reaching his waist. She was shaking, crying, Link realised with a start.

What was he supposed to do now?! He started panicking.

"Why did Medilia have to go?" Aryll said between sobs, Link bent down and hugged her back. He was in need of this as much as she was.

"I miss her..." Aryll choked out "Where did she go?" her voice was weak. Link held his breath "To a better place." he said, choosing his words carefully.

"But where?" Aryll asked, pulling back. She looked at him with such beautiful eyes, his mother's eyes, Link realised with longing. Link hesitated "A place that is for the good people, only those chosen by Hylia can go there." he said gently.

"Can you tell me more about the place?" she asked eagerly. Link smiled, sitting back on the grass, Aryll climbed up on top of him and sat on his lap. And for once, Link didn't mind.

Link began "It is a place where it is always summer," at this, Aryll smiled in delight, Link continued "Only those with a pure heart can go there. No one ever gets sick, and there is always enough for everyone. It is always nighttime there, the moon watches over you and so do Din, Nayru, Farore and Hylia."

"What is this place called?" Aryll clutched at him. Link thought for a second before answering,


"Lorule?" Aryll repeated "When can we visit her?"

"Soon, Aryll, Soon."

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