How I am Now (Age: 13)

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Link's life hadn't improved in the slightest, in fact, it had become even more bleak and meaningless. Restrictions had been put into place after his argument with Banzetta Arn two years ago. 

"You are not to leave the house without my permission. You are to attend every training session and spend 7 hours a day there. Then when you get home, you are to train for another 4 hours. No holidays and no excuses. You must be the head of royal guard when I step down. Training comes first." Banzetta had said to him.

Link was training outside their secluded house in Hateno village, in the meadow. Aryll, now nine years of age, was bent over her sewing machine. Link's father wasn't so harsh with Aryll anymore after the fight, but he put all that anger on Link, pushing the poor boy even further.

Stitch, cut, sew, pull.

Stitch, cut, sew, pull.

Was all Aryll did everyday. Link felt as though he was failing as a brother, as though he was failing Medilia. His sister deserved more. He didn't deserve Aryll. Link gritted his teeth, it was all his fault after all, wasn't it?

Had he not been so weak all those years ago, maybe Medilia would still be alive? Maybe he could have gone to the lost woods and gotten his mother the medicine so many before him had failed to attain. The medicine was the elusive plant, the Silent Princess.

Many a night, Link had lain awake, staring at the ceiling. He wondered how things would have been if he was worthy enough.

He stopped for a while, wiping the sweat off his brow, catching his breath. He hissed in pain as his ankle throbbed, he'd twisted it during training. No matter, he'd still go on.  He didn't train for his father, he trained for his sister. Link's one wish was to keep her safe, like he couldn't do to Medilia.

A coughing fit coming from inside the house caused Link to flinch, startled. He ran in the house, the only one inside was Aryll. Link bounded up the stairs, throwing his soldier's broadsword on the couch, not caring about the flimsy piece of furniture. He sprinted through the hallway, and burst into Aryll's room.

Aryll was crouched on the floor, weakly clinging to the chair for support, coughing violently. Each cough shook her body in wracks of pain. Link crouched down next to her, holding her up, each cough Aryll took filled his heart with worry.

"You're fine, you're fine," he reassured her, rubbing circles on her back, looking into her cerulean eyes, trying to calm his sister down. Aryll brought her hand up to her lips, weakly, and gave another heart wrenching cough. This time when she drew her hand back, it was stained with a crimson substance... and it glistened the colour of malice.

"No." Link's eyes widened, as he absentmindedly shook his head.

Aryll had been coughing for a few weeks now, but the doctor had said it was just a cold. This was how Medilia had started off too. And there was no mistaking the glittery, pink substance mixed with the blood. It was malice. Aryll had caught it too.

The Malice had infected her.

Aryll clung to him weakly, her breathing was ragged. She clutched at Link's shirt collar, her eyes watery, and she whispered "Link... I don't want to go to Lorule..."and Link broke inside.

"No..." He tried to reassure her "You won't. Don't worry, Aryll. I will protect you, I will be with you always." he embraced her, softly. Link wouldn't let that happen to his sister, the Malice had some nerve coming back for his loved ones, he though savagely. 

A new look shone in Link's eyes. Those cerulean eyes burned with a silent resentment, it burnt deep and fierce. They always said, Blue fire is the hottest kind of fire. And now the Calamity would feel its burn.

"Aryll?" Link pulled back from the embrace "I want you to go to Anju's house and tell her that you are going to stay with her for some time. Until I get back. Tell her I said that, alright?" he ruffled Aryll's hair, despite the grim situation.

"But where are you going?"

"I'm going to Find the Silent Princess."

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