Free (Age:13)

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"Link? Where the hell are you going with all that stuff?" Banzetta jabbed a finger into Link's chest, accusingly "You're not running away, are you?" his father narrowed his eyes and stared the poor boy down.

Link just hitched his satchel on his shoulder and stared back, stubborn "I wish," Link muttered under his breath. His father raised a brow "Excuse me?" Link cleared his throat "Uh, I'm going to the lost woods." and turned to leave "Aryll's at Anju's place,"

"You're gonna find that stupid flower for your sickly sister, aren't you?" His father laughed "Now we wouldn't even be here in the first place if you had been strong enough to fight that moblin that snuffed out your mother." 

Link turned around sharply, trying not to strangle the man, and cast his head down "Did you even love her?" he asked, clenching his fist "Or was she just there to create a perfect replica of yourself?" Link glared into Banzetta's murky, green eyes saying,

"Too bad I ended up with blue eyes,"

And Link shut the door in Banzetta's face. He stepped outside his house, took a breath of fresh air, and started running down the winding path, not caring about the looks people gave him. His sister is in danger, and for that- he's do anything.

By the time he crossed the hateno village gates, his lungs were burning, but he kept on going, faster- stronger. He stumbled a bit when his ankle painfully twisted, but he got back up again. Luckily for him, there were no monsters anymore- they just disappeared after Medilia. 

Link ran and ran until he felt like throwing up, sweat drenched his hair and his breathing came in gasps. He leaned against a tree, his vision span around before him. He'd been running for three hours now, with no rest. Link lay down, panting, closing his eyes.

"I should really invest... in a horse." he wheezed, kicking himself for his stupidity. Link was sat in a meadow, there were a few horses grazing around, but they were all too big for a 13 year old, Link was short for his age as it was, and lean- he'd be no match for the mustangs. 

Link pulled an apple out of his satchel and bit into it. The sweet inside instantly filled his with energy and brought back the colour to his cheeks. He closed his eyes and let the cool wind ruffle his hair and the grass to tickle his hands. He felt something fluffy nudge his cheek and opened his eyes, thinking it was a monster.

Link relaxed, seeing that it was only a female deer. He pushed it's cheek away from his and held the apple up to his lips to take another bite. The deer decided to choose violence and it ate the apple right out of his hand, to Link's annoyance.

He got ready to scare it away, but the deer just nuzzled him again. Link smiled "Seperation anxiety much?" and walked away, but the deer followed. the deer nudged her head on Link's knees and knocked the boy onto her back.

Link let out a yelp and quickly steadied himself "Why you little- wait... this might not be so bad..." Link said, realising that he now had a mount.

"I'll call you... Medli!"

A Hero's mourning (ZELINK)Where stories live. Discover now