Deja Vu (Age: 10)

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Link yelled in frustration. His sister had once again run into the forest nearby, except this time she had ran deeper than usual. 

They were currently living at Mabe village Inn. Their father had an important Knight's meeting, and with their mother gone he had to take care of them, so he took them along. Link had been playing tag with Aryll, purposely letting her win.

Link regretted telling Aryll about Lorule... Aryll had tried to find Lorule since then. She would run around looking in tree hollows, trampling vegetable gardens and Link would run after her, apologising and pulling her out of trouble.

But the Mabe woods were different...

Everyone knew something lurked in those woods. Not a being, but magic. Everyone who had gone in reported feelings of discomfort. As if they were being watched. 

Supposedly Aryll thought that "Magic" meant a portal to Lorule, so in the middle of their game, she had ran into the woods.

And now, Link ran after her, a stick clutched tightly in his hand. He panted, wildly looking around the foliage for Aryll. Oh, why did she always have to run off? He couldn't loose someone else. His sister would be harmed... over his dead body.

His ears pricked, and he heard voices coming from up ahead, he ran even faster, picking up bits and pieces of the conversation.

"What's your name, little one?"


"What a lovely name!"

"A-...are you Hylia?"

Link hears laughter "No, I'm not, Aryll. Now, why might you be looking for Hylia?"

"My brother told me that my mother is in Lorule! And I want Hylia to let me in so I can see her again!"


"Yeah! Link told me that's where people who are pure of heart go!

"hmm, what a lovely place."

Link slashes at the bush in front of him, bursting though. He stops when he sees the three people in front of him and he immediately turns red with embarrassment. He falls down onto his kness, bowing deeply.

For before him was the Queen and the Princess of Hyrule.

Queen Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule and Princess Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule, to be exact.

He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder "No need for that, my brave knight." a voice like his mother's whispered in his ear. The hand gently guided him to his feet, and he cast his eyes forward upon the royalty.

Queen Daphnes was of ethereal beauty, he didn't blame Aryll for mistaking her for Hylia. Her eyes were of a clear blue, clearer than even his. She smiled with grace and the way she stood commanded respect.

"You must be Aryll's brother."

Link nodded barely breathing "sorry-"

"No need for that, young one! What is your name?" she asked, smiling wider.

"L-....Link....your-... your majesty..." he whispered, suddenly self conscious of  his ragged clothes and the leaves stuck in his messy hair. He peered around the Queen at the princess, she hid behind her mother like he once did when Medilia was still alive.

Queen Daphnes at once pushed Zelda forward "Zelda, this is Link. His father is the captain of our royal guard." she gave Link a closed eye smile.

Zelda cast her eyes down and mumbled a quiet "Hello," before glancing at him again. Link bowed and gave her as sweet a smile as he could muster given the situation.

Link clumsily apologised again, making a move to grab Aryll's hand and leave. Queen Daphnes stopped him with a motion of her hand, Link stopped mid-stride and looked at her.

"I-..." She hesitated "I'm sorry about Medilia, Link." Link bowed his head down, refusing to let the tears pricking at his eyes fall. Aryll looked at Link confused, so the Queen quickly added "I'm sorry she left..."

The princess pointed at Link and whispered something in her mother's ear. The Queen's ear pricked "That's a wonderful idea, Zelda!" she turns to Link "Your father tells me that you want to follow in his footsteps."

Link mutely nods, feeling empty. It wasn't what he wanted, it was what his father wanted.

Queen Daphnes smiled "A proper knight must have a proper sword!" she continued "I will ask your father, Link, if you'd like to come along with a few knights to Zora's Domain. I will see how you fare and if you succeed, I will make sure you get a proper knight's sword!"

Link's eyes widened, it was just like his mother wanted! He would be a hero! He bowed down deeply, barely able to contain his excitement. He couldn't wait to tell his father!

He left, a happy young knight.

Though he couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't his first time meeting Zelda.

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