Episode One

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"Come on, Babe

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"Come on, Babe." Randy pulled me down the hall. "You said you were ready."

"No, Randy, I never said that, and you're drunk." I spun out of his grip and stalked back toward the dance, my heels clicking against the tile.

"For being so damn smart, you're just a stuck-up bitch." Randy slurred.

I turned to face him. "Yeah? Well, for being such a damn good football player, you're just a needy little boy who uses alcohol and drugs to get through your shitty existence."

Randy's eyebrows raised as rage filled his brown eyes. "You bitch. At least I live in a house. You live in a fucking trailer, and your mom's a skank prostitute, and your dad's a fat drunk."

Rolling my eyes, I turned back toward the gym to get far away from this asshole. How in the hell did I get myself into this situation? Two weeks with Randy had been long enough. His ugliness had become obvious tonight. I'd never promised anything. He insinuated something might happen after the dance, but nothing like this. Randy had only been kind up to this point, at least that's what I thought.

"Where do you think you're going?" Randy grabbed my wrist and squeezed hard before yanking me backward.

Losing my balance, I plummeted backward to the hard floor. My shoulder blades hit first, forcing all the air from my lungs. Randy started laughing as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Dumb bitch can't even walk straight. I'll give you a reason not to walk straight." Randy started dragging me down the hall by my wrist. "You owe me for what I bought you these last two weeks."

Hearing that made me lose my train of thought. I thought he'd spent money on me because he actually cared.

"What the fuck?" A familiar voice hollered.

Randy dropped my wrist as I sucked in a big breath of air. I scrambled to back away. It wasn't until I hit the wall that I realized one of my heels was broken.

"Kaleb, dude. Where's Maryanne?" Randy asked. "You should go find her. River was just about to show me all she has to offer. Finally."

"Finally?" Kaleb took one hard look at me, checking me over.

I gave him a tiny fake grin, trying to pull it together. I mean, could this look any worse?

"Go back to your girl, dude." Randy pushed Kaleb's shoulder playfully. "I said we're good."

"Good?" Anger took over the kindness in Kaleb's gaze. His hands curled into fists as he turned toward his friend. "That's not what it looks like to me. You wanna see what she has to offer, huh? How 'bout I show you what I have to offer?"

"Wait. What? You said you didn't give a damn about her." Randy's hands flew up as he backed away defensively. "That's what you said, man... that she was ours for the taking. The team... I mean."

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