Episode Twenty Five

448 9 1

Friday night, I decided to learn how to cook basic spaghetti on YouTube

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Friday night, I decided to learn how to cook basic spaghetti on YouTube. There was an away football game, so I was all alone, but it was late, so Kaleb would probably stop by soon. I thought about texting him, but decided against it. I'd be just fine without him. After I watched the entire spaghetti video, I started browning the ground beef.

The pitter-patter of rain started to come down slowly, but after about five minutes, the rain poured with thunder and lightning. The wind whistled outside the windows as lightning cracked again, causing the power to flicker. It startled me as I rushed to lock the door.

Keeping a close eye on my ground beef, I started boiling water for my noodles.

I thought about how easy this recipe was as my mother came to mind. Why did she have such a hard time feeding me? When I was young, she'd actually taken care of me. She made me meals for dinner, but all that motherly love stopped as I got older. And when Vinny moved in, she'd barely been home to mother me at all. Did she even love me anymore?

The handle of my front door jiggled before someone knocked hard. Guessing it was Kaleb, I hurried to the door, whipping it open. Kaleb was drenched. I gestured for him to come in before I shut the door behind him.

"Let me get you something to dry off." I jogged to the bathroom and returned with a large towel.

Kaleb's gaze wandered over my skimpy outfit of boy shorts and a halter top as he dried off. "I did it."

"Did what?" I hurried back to the stove to keep an eye on the noodles. I stirred them before making sure I still had a timer set for them. The noodles were almost done. I grabbed the colander and put it in the sink.

"I broke up with Maryanne." Kaleb leaned against the counter, watching me closely.

"You did?" My excitement skyrocketed. He'd actually done it, and I honestly had no idea what to feel. I was still in a relationship with Travis. Even though I hadn't seen him all week, we still texted every day.

"It's time for you to end it with Travis." Kaleb came up behind me, pressing his front to my back as I used a spatula to separate a hunk of ground beef.

My body went on high alert as he grabbed my hips and lowered his head, resting his chin at the crook of my neck. His hands linked around my waist, pulling me backward into him. I could feel how excited he was through his jeans. I giggled as his stubble rubbed over the sensitive skin on my neck.

"Are you gonna do it this weekend or next week?" Kaleb asked.

"I don't know yet." I shook my head as I turned to face him. "I don't want to hurt him."

"Breakups suck. You're going to hurt him either way." Kaleb's head tilted to the side.

I shrugged, knowing he was right. This was going to end badly, no matter how I went about it.

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