Episode Twenty Six

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As I walked into class, every person stared at me while I glanced at one girl from Remmy's group

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As I walked into class, every person stared at me while I glanced at one girl from Remmy's group. She had been one of the girls kicking me in the stomach the other night. With how people were looking at me, it was obvious that everyone knew I'd been jumped. What was the girl's name? Tiffany.

Tiffany glared at me until I sat in my seat. No one said anything evil to me, which was a nice change. There were even a few looks of concern. I glanced at the door to see Kaleb glaring at Tiffany. She squirmed in her seat until he left about thirty seconds later.

I sighed in gratitude. Kaleb had been looking out for me, and from Tiffany's shameful expression, it was easy to see she'd been under Kaleb's scrutiny for days. I was grateful that I didn't have to get even with all the girls by myself.

At lunch, I went to my locker to grab my food. I hadn't gotten my first paycheck yet, which made me broke as hell. I had literally three dollars to my name.

I didn't rush to lunch this time since I knew I'd have to see Kaleb while I was still Travis's girlfriend. I wondered if Kaleb was going to sit with us. I hated that I was in this situation. Kaleb was going to be pissed that I hadn't broken up with Travis yet.

Slowly, I made my way toward the football players' table. All the cheerleaders, including Maryanne, glared in my direction. What the fuck? Why were they all hating on me? I hadn't done anything wrong.

Randy glared at me from the other end of the table as I sat down. I felt like I didn't belong at this table anymore, but both Kaleb and Travis were on the football team, so either way, I knew it wouldn't be a problem if I sat here.

Maryanne suddenly appeared at my side, sitting next to me. She had no food with her, so I could only assume she was here to talk to me.

"Do you know why Kaleb broke up with me?" Maryanne glared daggers at me. I guess her speech about being nice to me had been fake.

I shook my head slowly, wondering what kind of game she was playing. "No."

"I know he broke up with me for another girl, so I'm just gonna ask, is it you?" Maryanne's brow knotted in anger.

I shrugged. "I just found out you guys aren't together anymore, and I'm with Travis, so..."

My words trailed off as I pulled a soda out of my lunch bag.

"If I find out it's you, I'm gonna tell his mother everything I know," Maryanne said, and the angry look on her face made her look uglier than ever.

My stomach flipped at the threat. What all did she know? How much had Kaleb told her? Then I realized that it didn't matter. Whatever Kaleb's mother thought about me wasn't a secret. Kaleb's mom hated my guts already, so what did I have to lose? Besides, I was sure Maryanne didn't know much about my relationship with Kaleb. He wouldn't have told her much to begin with.

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