Episode Eight

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After pulling myself together in the bathroom, I found my way to class

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After pulling myself together in the bathroom, I found my way to class. First period went okay, but people were still talking about Randy and how I gave up my virginity to him. The rumor never dropped the fact that I had been begging for it.

Kaleb was already seated when I arrived to my second period class, and I refused to make eye contact with him. Now the phone and the apartment seemed totally fucked up. I was depending on a boy that never gave me the time of day.

After all those little things Kaleb had done last night with the hand holding and his arm around my shoulder. He had just been leading me on. From now on, if Kaleb Cole sent me signs that he cared, I needed to stifle it into the cemetery that was now my heart. Our so-called relationship was dead.

The idea of us ever being more than childhood friends was ridiculous. He had led me on so many times, and I had run out of his life when I needed to, but we would never be more than this. And this was nothing. At school, he acted like I was just another girl. It was over between us, and I needed to figure out how to make enough money to pay for my phone and to pay Frank for my apartment.

Just the thought of having my own washer and dryer and my own bed made me a little giddy. It was Kaleb who had done all that for me. Tonight he could help me get my stuff from the trailer, and then we could end whatever this was. I thought about calling or texting my mom to see if she would be there. I could lie and tell her the cops were coming, so she had to act like little Susie homemaker. It happened once before when we had social services show up at our door.

I didn't want to text my mom, and I could sneak in if I didn't want to include my mother. I just needed empty bags. I didn't have much, but I still had to have bags to pack up. While I was reviewing my mental list, something small hit my shoulder. I didn't turn to look and see what it was. The same thing happened yesterday. It could've been Kaleb or someone throwing something. That was as far as I was willing to care.

"Randy told me he got jumped." Some girl whispered.

An ever so soft chuckle arose from Kaleb.

I held back a small smile. Kaleb had shattered Randy's nose over the weekend, and Randy was telling stories about who did it.

"Randy said she was begging for it, man," A pair of boys walking by our class were talking animatedly about how I was begging for sex again. How nice. What a wonderful life I had at this school. And the teachers all wondered why we wanted to leave so badly.

I should've just laughed, but instead, I kept taking notes.

Kaleb sighed, but I didn't ask him why, even though I wanted to.

When the bell rang, I practically ran from class and texted Travis.

Me: Still want to eat lunch with me today?

Travis: Maybe 😉

Me: Ok

I felt terrible for texting him 'maybe' earlier. Travis was a good guy. I needed to take this relationship seriously. Not like I had done with Randy. I needed to be smart about this. Travis had already proven to be honest and forthcoming. And his jokes, I loved them.

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