Episode Thirty Three

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Feeling eyes on me from everywhere, I glanced around the cafeteria, wondering if anyone was eavesdropping

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Feeling eyes on me from everywhere, I glanced around the cafeteria, wondering if anyone was eavesdropping. Several people were looking directly at me. They broke off eye contact when I caught them staring. I was right about the tables around us. They were all filled to capacity, and people weren't as loud as usual. Unfolding the note, I read it as Kaleb walked toward Shaina's table.


You don't really know me very well, but I know you. We've had a few classes together over the years, but I was too much of a pussy to tell you how I felt. Over the past five years, I've had a major crush on you, and during that time, my feelings have only gotten stronger. I've written a bunch of letters to you like this one, but for some reason, I was too scared to give them to you. It's taken me a long time to tell you the truth, but I think I'm actually going to tell you this time.

Since I found out that you and Travis broke up, I've been going back and forth, trying to figure out how to tell you how I feel. I promise to take care of you better than any guy has in the past. I heard the truth about what happened to you at the back-to-school dance, and I'm sorry that I wasn't there with Kaleb to kick Randy's ass. If you feel anything for me, please write me back and let me know.


Once I got to the bottom of the note, the person's signature was completely missing. I searched for his name, but there was no more writing on the wrinkled notebook paper. I questioned why this person had been too scared to give me at least one note in the past.

Folding the paper, I stuck it into my pocket as my gaze landed on Kaleb's. I grinned at him before seeing his eyes blazing with anger. My grin flattened as I studied his hair that was gelled to perfection.

Kaleb plopped down in his seat, taking a drink of my soda. "Shaina doesn't know who wrote it. Someone found it beside the trash can in her second period English class, and everyone thought you should know the truth. People think it was someone from first period English who tossed it in the trash but missed. When Shaina finds out who wrote it, she's going to let me know."

"With the whole class knowing about this note, I'm sure we'll find out who it was soon." I shrugged, feeling multiple sets of eyes on me.

Kaleb leaned in close, whispering to me. "Almost every guy in school has been checking you out all day, and it's pissing me off. I need you to do me a favor."

"No problem. What is it?" I whispered, leaning toward him on my elbows. I studied his kissable lips as the space between us sparked with attraction. Whenever Kaleb and I were physically close to one another, the magnetic pull always intensified.

"I don't want you wearing that outfit to school again. Just save it for me when we see each other on the weekends." Kaleb glanced at the low-cut V of my shirt, perusing my cleavage before his gaze darted around the lunchroom.

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