Episode Seventeen

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"Come on

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"Come on. I want you to meet my parents." Travis grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the entrance of the stadium.

Meet his parents? I practically tripped over my feet as I hurried to keep up with him. This was a first for me. From my experience with Kaleb's parents, I knew parents weren't my biggest fans.

A tall man with grey hair resembling Travis stood near the fence with a short round woman by his side. She had Travis's eyes. They both smiled as we approached them.

"River, these are my parents, Tom and Daisy. Mom. Dad. This is River. My girlfriend." Travis gestured toward me.

Daisy gave me a big smile. "So you're the girl Travis has been going on and on about."

"Nice to meet you, River," Tom said.

"I guess so. Yeah." I shrugged as I smiled at Travis. "Have you been talking about me?"

Travis smiled at me and nodded.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, River," Daisy said. "I hope you'll be able to come to dinner one night."

My stomach tightened. Dinner? I didn't know what to say. I glanced toward Travis for help.

"She has a job, Mom," Travis said.

"Maybe if we plan it. I can ask for the night off." I shrugged.

Daisy and Tom both sent me big smiles.

"Not until after the season is over. I'd rather you come to all of our football games instead. I wanna win the championship this year." Travis's lips tipped up into a sexy smile. "This girl is our lucky charm. We always win when she shows up to our games."

I wanted to kiss him again. What he'd told me about being his lucky charm still floated around in my mind.

"Well, have fun tonight, Travis. Don't stay out too late." Tom said as the players started walking into the locker room to change.

"We won't," Travis said before leading me back to the stands.

"Nice to meet you," I waved goodbye to his parents, and they waved back.

"Meet me at my car. I have to change." Travis said. "I'll give you a ride home."

I nodded. I had hoped to find a ride home since it was such a long walk, but I couldn't take him to my new apartment. He thought I was still living in the trailer, and there was no way I'd be going there. I would have to ask him to drop me off at the Truck Stop.

After he left to change, I noticed Kaleb was the only player left. He was sitting on the bench. When his eyes met mine, I could see the anger in them. Had he been watching when Travis introduced me to his parents?

I decided to stay away from Kaleb since there were so many people still here. Instead of sitting on the bleachers, I turned to find Travis's vehicle.

With the family and friends from both teams piling into the parking lot, there were a lot of people here. I finally found Travis's SUV in the middle of the parking lot and leaned against the driver's side door, where he'd be able to see me when he came out.

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