Episode Thirty Two

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When I got to my first class, barely anyone noticed me as everyone chattered away

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When I got to my first class, barely anyone noticed me as everyone chattered away. I sat in my seat, trying to eavesdrop on the latest gossip. It was about the cheerleaders and Randy. Not only were all the participants of the smoking group missing from school but now Randy and some of the cheerleaders were nowhere to be seen, which shocked people.

I thought about how Kaleb promised to talk to the football coach about what Randy had done to me at the dance, and I didn't know how I felt about that. I hoped that the football coach would take Kaleb's word for it. I didn't want to be required to tell the principal or any of the school staff exactly what happened. It was hard enough trying to forget that awful night. I hated thinking about what might've happened if Kaleb hadn't saved me.

While I walked to second period, Kaleb suddenly appeared beside me. A group of people strolling in front of us were talking about every person who wasn't at school. There were plenty of rumors about why some of the cheerleaders were suspended. So far, people knew who was gone, but they were all trying to figure out why they'd been kicked out of school for an entire week. I didn't know that they'd gotten suspended for a week, but someone had obviously asked the front office.

Kaleb had to hold back a smile when we heard people talking shit about the cheerleaders and all their bullying. I didn't laugh because I could relate to my fellow classmates. The cheerleaders could be brutal when they wanted to be. I was glad that I wasn't alone in all their bullying.

I walked into class with Kaleb on my tail. I smiled at him over my shoulder as I thought about our make out session the night before. The way he worked his tongue against mine was incredible. I got tingles just thinking about it.

Kaleb and I sat at our desks before he started fiddling with his pen behind my back. When he started hitting my ponytail, I turned around quickly and stole it from him again. Kaleb chuckled as he pulled another pen from his backpack.

I grinned at Kaleb's pen in my hand as I took notes, loving the bite marks on the end of the pen.

"River!" A girl whisper-shouted as she and her friend passed by our class, chucking a balled-up piece of paper in my direction. When Kaleb caught it, the girl's eyebrows shot up, nearly reaching her hair as she spoke to her friend. "Shit. Kaleb Cole caught it." 

"Get him to throw it back." The girl's friend whispered.

"Excuse me. I'm not sure what's happening in your world, but my class is in session, girls. I suggest you find your classes before I send both of you to the office." Our teacher shut the door as he shook his head before writing more facts about the Vietnam War on the whiteboard.

I spun to take the paper from Kaleb, but he held it out of reach, shaking his head. I grinned, squinting at him. He wanted to see whatever was on that paper first, and I had no choice but to let him.

When the bell rang, I turned around in my seat to find Kaleb livid. Shit. What was on that piece of paper?

"Can I have it now?" I kept my tone kind. I didn't want to upset him any more than he already was.

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