Episode Thirteen

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After I got home from work, I continued putting everything away

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After I got home from work, I continued putting everything away. I started a load of laundry and folded all of my new clothes. It was nice that the place was already furnished because now I had a dresser to hold my clothes.

The dresser I had at my mom's trailer was the one I'd had since I was little and it was falling apart. This dresser was brand new and ready to take on my new wardrobe. I'd forgotten to get hangers, but I could get some soon. Maybe I could ask Travis to take me to the store every once in a while.

After I finished putting everything away, I took a shower and went to bed. It had been a long day. I used the new body wash and hair products that I'd gotten today, and it proved to be a glorious shower—the best I'd ever had.

The next day when I got on the bus, Lyla didn't have anything to say as her and Jordan talked. Even though I hated the fact that she was with him, I still enjoyed the quiet. Jordan knew how to keep Lyla occupied. Aside from her random bitchiness, Jordan was a good influence on her.

When I got off the bus, people seemed busier than normal. Band kids were dressed in their band uniforms and the football players were all dressed in suits. That's right. Today we had a pep rally.

Travis was hanging out by my locker when I walked up. He was dressed in a coat and tie, and his hair was freshly cut. He looked good. Almost too good.

As soon as he saw me, he rushed over and gave me a big hug. "Hey, sicky. How're you feeling?"

I noticed female onlookers giving me jealous looks. I liked how Travis hugged me. I didn't receive many hugs when I was young. I liked them. Travis had a way of making me feel safe.

Instantly, I felt bad for lying to him. Travis didn't deserve that. He deserved to have a good girl that told him the truth. Someone that treated him right. I decided, right then and there, that I would be that person.

"I'll live." I laughed it off as I opened my locker, and decided to give him a half-truth. "I still went to work last night, so I'm doing better."

"What are you doing for lunch?" His cologne filled the space around me, and instinctively I leaned closer. Damn. He smelled amazing.

I shrugged and sent him a small smile. "Nothing. Do you wanna eat together again?"

"Yeah, sounds good." He grabbed my hand when I closed my locker. The bell rang while he laced his fingers through mine. "I have something I want to give you later. Do you have to work tonight?"

"Yeah," I started walking toward my first period class. "What is it?"

"I can't give it up just like that. I was at the store and it made me think of you."

"Trailer skank," some random girl said to me as we walked by.

"Damn," Travis started laughing, but I didn't think it was funny. I was sick and tired of everyone calling me names.

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