Episode Thirty Four

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The cat was finally out of the bag, and Kaleb was missing in action

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The cat was finally out of the bag, and Kaleb was missing in action. From what he'd texted me the night before, Kaleb's mom found out that he and Maryanne had broken up, and his mother had literally lost her shit over that news.

Kaleb was nowhere to be seen this morning. After texting me that his mom was flipping out, he never texted me again. I thought he might show up at my side when the bus dropped me off, but he didn't.

My thoughts began to race as I stopped at my locker, and pKaleb was still nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was out sick today, but he would've texted me to let me know. I wondered if his parents had confiscated his phone. If so, they could be reading everything we texted back and forth. My cheeks began to burn as I spun my combo into my locker. Neither of us had said anything too deep in our texts, but our conversations were supposed to remain private.

I tried to remember if Kaleb had a security code on his lock screen and assumed that he did. All phones had that now, didn't they?

I put the two notebooks I had into my locker, planning to return the notebooks I'd borrowed. I'd taken pictures of every page, remembering that I needed to get to the store sometime soon to replace my ruined school supplies.

Travis gave me a big smile as he walked toward his locker with a freshman cheerleader hanging off his every word. I didn't know her name off the top of my head, but she hadn't done anything to upset me, so I had no reason to dislike her. A tinge of jealousy poked at me, but Travis deserved happiness. If he wanted to date a freshman, then he could date a freshman. Who was I to judge?

Travis stopped at his locker, looking more cocky than I'd ever seen him. The girl stopped with him as he began to dig through his mess of a locker.

"Oh, my god. You're the trailer trash whore who Travis broke up with, right?" The girl softly nibbled on her fake yellow pinky nail, trying to look provocative for Travis.

Travis's serious gaze shot to mine, waiting for my response.

I grinned at him softly before turning all my attention on little miss priss. When I made complete eye contact with her, she squirmed. "That's me. You can call me Riverslut. All the cool kids are doing it."

Travis chuckled at my response and shook his head. "Actually, River broke up with me."

"Oh, well, I didn't mean . . ." The freshman suddenly got lost in thought. When she spoke again, she enunciated every word as she stared at Travis. "Wait a minute. She broke up with you?"

Travis was still chuckling as he glanced at his new fling. "Yep."

The cheerleader's face turned pink. "I just thought...oh, never mind. We're still on for that party on Friday, right, Travis?"

"Uh-huh. You're going to the party too, aren't you, River?" Travis's smile widened as he poked my shoulder.

"Um... maybe. Where is it?" Grateful that Travis was inviting me to a party, I hoped the location was within walking distance, or maybe Kaleb could give me a ride.

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