Episode Twenty

511 14 4

Travis bought us a soda and a bucket of popcorn to share before we went into the theater to see the zombie movie

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Travis bought us a soda and a bucket of popcorn to share before we went into the theater to see the zombie movie. From the poster on the wall, I discovered that the movie had some actors and actresses that I recognized, which excited me. This was going to be a good movie.

Most of the seats were full, so we were forced to grab two seats near the front. Travis laced his fingers through mine as we sat to watch the trailers.

Aside from when we were eating popcorn, we held hands the whole time. After one of the main characters died, I threw a few pieces of popcorn at Travis. He smiled before he threw a piece back at me.

When the movie was over, I stood to leave, but Travis tugged me down to my seat.

"Let's wait for it to empty. Then we'll go." He said as he rested his head on the seat.

I sat and did the same thing. It felt weird not leaving when everyone else was, but when the theater was empty except for the two of us, it felt peaceful. Travis turned his head toward me, making eye contact. Having the whole space to ourselves made me feel special.

He moved his hand to my leg, sliding it to my bare knee. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now."

My hand landed on his. "Then why don't you?"

Travis turned toward me, lifting the chair's arm. He pressed his forehead to mine as we continued staring into each other's eyes. I smiled before he captured my lips with his. Our tongues collided as he turned his head, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. I accepted him fully as one of his hands came to rest on my cheek, coaxing me to kiss him harder.

Someone cleared their throat from somewhere in the theater, and Travis looked behind us. One guy from the staff had come inside to clean.

Travis's eyebrows raised as he sent me a mischievous grin. "We've been caught."

I started laughing as we both stood to exit the abandoned space.

"So, what about this party? You still want to go with me, right?" Travis said as he linked hands with mine.

"Yeah, of course, I want to go with you," I said, not wanting to show any excitement. I wanted to go to the party, but I didn't want Travis thinking that I was excited to see Kaleb, even though I was.

"It's something to do. I bet Kaleb has alcohol there." Travis smiled, and I was glad he'd put our earlier conversation behind him. I needed him to understand that I did not want to be with Kaleb. I wanted to be with Travis. That's why he was my boyfriend.

"Would it be a party without alcohol?" I asked.

"No." Travis shook his head, laughing. "Alcohol makes the party worth going. Maybe we can play some beer pong together."

"Yeah, maybe," I thought about how Travis got home after these parties and wondered if he stayed the night at people's houses. Or did he get a ride home with someone else?

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