Episode Thirty Eight

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"I better get back downstairs

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"I better get back downstairs. I told Jordan that I would help him make Lyla jealous. Don't ask me what he sees in her. She's been a bitch since the day she was born." I thought back to when I was younger, remembering how Lyla and I had spent a lot of time together. We'd been friends at the time, but when she started to like Kaleb, things changed between us. 

Landon turned his head on the couch pillow. His eyes wandered over my face slowly. "You got me there. She's actually pretty nice to me. I think guys just like the size of her tits. She's got some big ones."

I glanced down at my B-sized chest. "Mine aren't that bad either."

Landon's gaze dropped to my full breasts as his eyes grew hooded. "Yours are perfect. I've never met a girl that compares to you. You're beautiful. I used to wonder what Kaleb was thinking by expecting you to stay single. He used to threaten the whole team to stay away from you, but this year something changed, and he told the entire football team that you were up for grabs. That's when Randy asked you out. I nearly lost it when I found out what Randy did to you at the dance."

Anger coursed through me as I remembered everything that Randy said at the back-to-school dance. Landon wasn't telling me something I didn't already know, but Kaleb was an asshole for trying to control my love life.

"I don't know what to do about the Kaleb shit. I know you guys have something going on, but after waiting for years for him to date you, he never has. After seeing how he watches you, it's surprising that he missed his chance to be with you again, especially after you broke up with Travis."

I grabbed a small pillow and held it to my stomach, thinking about how Kaleb had screwed me over. After all he'd said, I knew I couldn't trust him. "You seem to know a lot about me."

Landon took off his hat and scratched his head. "Not really. All I know is what I've observed over the years. Both of you are pretty good at hiding whatever is going on between you, but I still have to ask you the million-dollar question. Are you gonna wait for Kaleb to notice you again, or are you open to taking a chance on someone new?"

Glancing down at the pillow, I threw my head back as I covered my eyes, embarrassed that he knew so much about me and Kaleb. "I don't know. Would you take a chance on a girl in my situation?"

Landon bit his upper lip as a grin crossed his face. "In a heartbeat. Kaleb Cole is a stupid idiot, and since I know the truth, I won't ever heckle you over that shit. I'll just remind you of what he did to you, over and over again."

Landon's low voice swept over me like dark chocolate as a bashful smile crossed my face. I pulled the pillow up, covering my face with it. My voice came out muffled from behind the pillow as I peeked at him. "Really? Even after knowing all that?"

"Yeah. You've never been treated like you deserve. You need a guy who'll put you first, and if we get together, that's what I'm gonna do." Landon watched as I let the pillow fall from my red face. "You want to play a video game with me? We can go back downstairs later."

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