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    Its the day after Izuku's 5th birthday, him and his mother are headed to the park to meet up with the Bakugos. Izuku ran up to his best friend Katsuki Bakugo, or as he calls him Kacchan, to tell him the news. "Kacchan" Izuku shouted. "Hey Zuku! So what quirk did you get?" Katsuki asked his bushy-haired friend. Izuku looked down and answered, "I'm quirkless." It was quiet for a few seconds before Katsuki said, "That's okay, Zuku. That just means you are going to have to work twice as hard to become a hero and knowing you that won't be a problem." Izuku looked up at Kacchan surprised to hear what he was saying. "Besides, maybe you're just too badass for a quirk and be unstoppable if you had one." Izuku thought for a second and realized his best friend was right, but something was still bothering him. "Kacchan, what if everyone else makes fun of me for not having a quirk?" "Then they are just a bunch of idiots! Just ignore whatever insults they throw at you! My opinion should be the only one that matters!" Katsuki told him. Izuku beamed at his friend and thanked him.

    A few minutes later, a villain attack happened near the park they were playing at. There was a group of thugs causing trouble for the heroes and people were getting hurt. During the commotion, everyone failed to realize one of the thugs had kidnapped the boys and was taking them away to an illegal underground ring. The boys were thrown into a cell with other kids and told they were going to fight. The first few fights for the boys were rough, but they eventually got the hang of it assuming that's possible. They hated the fact they were to fight to the death, but now they feel almost nothing and always apologize to their opponents before ending their lives. Through out their first year there, they hoped the heroes would come and rescue them. Halfway into the second year, they lost hope and gave up on waiting for the heroes.

    Four years later, the heroes finally show to take down the underground ring and save the captives. However, Izuku and Katsuki had other plans. Being stuck there for years changed their view on society. Katsuki had gone deaf after one of his fights when he caused a huge explosion, and Izuku is mute due to an injury he received during one of his fights. They were lucky they were never put up against each other seeing as they were bringing business to the ring. Anyway, the boys used this opportunity to escape and start a new life. Before they got out, one of the heroes who showed up spotted them. Fortunately for them, unfortunately for the hero, they escaped out the back door. The hero tried to catch them but couldn't. The hero gather a group to form a search party to try and find them, but by dawn they had given up and planned to try again later.

    Izuku and Katsuki were wandering down the streets trying to find a place to stay. They eventually come upon an old rundown hotel that looks like its been abandoned for years. Luckily, the power still worked and there was running water. They chose some rooms on the third floor to stay in for now and tried to decide what they were going to do now they were finally out of that place. After a week of avoiding the heroes and officers, Izuku learned how to hack, and Katsuki learned how to cook with whatever they could get their hands on. One time when Izuku was hacking, he got curious about what happened during that villain attack all those years ago. Turns out their mothers got caught in the crossfire and died. It was sad knowing their moms were gone, but there was nothing they can do about it now. He also found an article about a famous vigilante. Curious, he decided to search up what vigilante are and learned they are heroes walking on a thin line and considered to be on the wrong side of the law. He showed it to Katsuki, who was cleaning the place up a bit, and signed to him asking what his opinion was on the topic and if he wanted to become one. Katsuki thought for a moment before agreeing with his childhood friend.

    Throughout the next few months however many that may be, the two have been making trips to Dagobah Municipal Beach collecting scrap metal and other useful supplies to make gear with. Izuku also started selling information he found to heroes on villains and thugs they were after. His info broker alias was "Usagi." When the boys were ten, they decided to go on their first patrol as vigilantes. Izuku made gear for Katsuki that picked up on sounds alerting him if it was one of trouble and where or something else like a passerby. It was installed into his face mask and connected to a keypad on the sleeve of his costume so he can communicate to the police with it to inform them. Izuku also had something like this on his costume and used it to contact the police after they captured bad guys. He also installed sensors on their boots that send out little shockwaves and worked kinda like a radar showing if someone was within a 30 meter radius from them. They will do this for a few years before asking themselves a question that's been on their mind for a while. "Do we still want to be heroes?"

this was posted as a preview to see what people think of this and im trying my best to write it with what brain cells i have
criticism is allowed i guess
i won't have a set upload schedule
so i will just post when i feel like it

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