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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing
Their hero costumes🔝(found on google)

It was the weekend and the wonder squad was hanging out with Eri playing games and who they ship their classmates with, mostly Mina but everyone threw in their opinions. Mina and Eri had asked if they could have a sleepover. Eri not giving her dad and papa much choice in the matter. Izuku told Aizawa they'll patrol tomorrow night since they had friends over. Aizawa understood and sent a text to Tsukauchi to inform him the same. Izuku and Katsuki agreed to let Tsukauchi know about them being vigilantes so they now the detective backing them up. "If I could steal you, Eri, I would! You are just the cutest!" Mina said squeezing the little girl sitting in her lap. "I don't think my parents would like that, Auntie." Eri laughed. Mina's happy she gets to be Eri's Auntie. It makes her feel like part of the family.

    "Hey, Izuku. Mind helping us learn jsl?" Kirishima asked. "So we'll be able to communicate with you two without Kamibro having to translate everything for us." Izuku was taking aback by the question, but he did have a point. Izuku nodded and started planning a schedule to teach them. "Would you guys mind starting tomorrow? We can get together to do our homework and I can teach you guys after. Sound good?" Izuku asked them. After Kaminari finished translating, they all agreed. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" Everyone, besides Katsuki, turned to see who spoke only to find Dadzawa coming back from patrol. "Is it that late already?" Katsuki asked while their friends were confused as to why Aizawa was there. "Yes. Now to bed. All of you." Aizawa told them. "Aizawa-sensei, what are you doing here?" Mina asked. "I live here. Also, it's way past Eri's bedtime. Why is she still up?" Aizawa asked. "Eri insisted on staying up with us. You can't say no to her can you, Dadzawa?" Izuku asked. "Dadzawa?" Denki asked out of confusion. After explaining how they were adopted, Dadzawa sent them to bed before going to bed himself.

    Two weeks had passed and everyone had to get ready for school. The Wonder squad met up after dropping Eri of at her school to walk to class. "So what do you think Aizawa-sensei is going to make us do today?" Mina asked. Yep, those lessons Izuku has been giving them are really paying off. "I don't know." Izuku answered. "Knowing him it can be anything." Katsuki stated. "Well, whatever it is, let's hope it's not too rough." Denki sighed. They were waiting for class to when suddenly... "Quiet down." Aizawa said as he walked in with his quirk activated. Everyone who was still chatting stopped. "Now that I have your attention, I have some news for you. Today we are going to the USJ to work on rescue training." Aizawa-sensei told them. Some students were excited while others not so much. "If you want you can wear your hero costumes or your gym uniforms. Just don't be late or we are leaving you behind." After that, Aizawa left the classroom to head to the bus they'll be taking. Everyone got up and made their way to the locker rooms to change. Of course, the wonder squad were the first out and waiting to board the bus.

    When they finally arrived at the USJ, Katsuki had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. He informed Izuku and Aizawa about it and his gut feelings are never wrong. "Alright, just keep an eye out just in case something does happen." Aizawa told them. Class 1a headed inside and met with another pro hero. "Hello students!" "OMG! It's the rescue hero: Thirteen!" Uraraka exclaimed. "That's right! Guess I won't have to introduce myself then." Thirteen joked. After she finished her speech, with Aizawa translating, a portal opened up by the fountain and villains started to flood in. "Are those real villains?" Kaminari asked. "Stay back! Thirteen watch the students!" Aizawa shouted as he jumped into battle. "Grrr... All Might was supposed to be here. Maybe if I kill a few students, then he will show up." The blue haired villian said. That idiot can't even show up when he was supposed to. Four-eyes tried to escape to inform the heroes at UA about the villains but then the villain with the portal quirk appeared in front of the students. Thirteen tried to stop him only for the villain to use her quirk against her. Four-eyes eventually slipped past while a few students got teleported to different locations.

    Izuku and Katsuki were some of the few students that didn't get teleported away. Seeing their sensei struggling, they jumped in to help him. If it weren't for them being vigilantes, Aizawa would have told them to get back but he was secretly grateful for their help. The blue haired villain wasn't happy with how they were beating the small time villains he brought without much problem. "Cheaters! Let's see how you like this!" He shouted and sent the giant bird-like creature after them. Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other and had the same thought. The two went to fight the thing. Aizawa had to restrain himself from yelling at those two about how stupid they are going after that creature and just let them do their thing. If anything went wrong, then he will scold them.

Izuku noticed the brain was exposed and decided on a plan to take it down. After explaining it to Katsuki, he agreed it was worth a shot. Katsuki was to go in first using his quirk to blind the creature, then Izuku jumps on it's back and attempts to stab the brain.  So far everything went according to plan. Izuku nearly got flattened after killing it, but still a success.

The creature shrieked in pain and fell dead with a thud. Katsuki grabbed Izuku and moved him out of the way so he wouldn't get flattened like a pancake. "NO! Cheater! CHEATER! Nomu was created to defeat AllMight! How could it lose to NPCs!?" The blue haired villain shrieked and ran at the boys with the intention of killing them. Before he could reach them, the pro heroes showed up. "Tomura Shigaraki, it's best if we leave now. The heroes are here." The portal villain blocked his path and told him. The villain now known as Shigaraki growled in annoyance but complied. While they may have gotten away, the small fries they brought with them weren't so lucky. Aizawa was the only badly injured. Everyone else had a few scraps and bruises but otherwise alright. Looks like the wonder duo will be busy covering for Eraserhead til he recovers, and Eri allows him to leave.

Finally finished this chapter
It was torture
Im sorry I couldn't get this out sooner
but I hope you enjoyed it anyway
Happy New Year

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