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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

In the teachers lounge, the UA staff could be seen going through the lists of the new students they'll be teaching. Aizawa was going through his knowing the two vigilantes are in his class no doubt. He was about to give up when two particular faces popped up. One whose name is Mikumo Akatani, the other Kai Gogatsu. His problem children as he labeled them. He was going over their student files only to find almost no information about them on it. He was thinking of different possibilities as to why when he took another look at them and noticed something he didn't before. These two looked like the kids that were declared missing and presumed dead, the same two he saw get away all those years ago during their raid on the underground ring. With this new revolution, Aizawa pratically ran out of the teachers lounge, leaving his colleagues confused, and went to pay a visit to Tsukauchi. He had a theory and if he was right, he was going to confront them and make sure they get their hero license cause this society needs heroes like them. Oh, and perhaps adopt them so their legally his problem children.

    Katsuki's quirk all of a sudden popped off without warning and that only happens when someone is thinking/talking about them. "Do you think he found out?" Izuku asked. "Maybe." Katsuki replied.

    Aizawa finally made it to Detective Tsukauchi's office to find said man finishing some paperwork. He knocked on the door to get the detective's attention. Tsukauchi looked up to see Aizawa standing there with that look of epiphany on his face. "I'm guessing you found something on the vigilantes?" the detective asked. "I think I found my problem children." Aizawa said and explained the student files on the boys they met in the cafe. Tsukauchi pulled up the files on the two boys from the incident and compared them to the boys' student files. "Oh my kami, we might've actually found them." Tsukauchi breathed out. "I can't believe we didn't recognize them sooner." Aizawa spoke out. They almost couldn't believe it. The two boys from all those years ago are still alive and will soon be attending UA. Tsukauchi suggested to meet up with the boys and confront them about this. Aizawa agreed and they tried to set up a meeting with them at the cafe.

Izuku and Katsuki were on their way to the cafe after dropping Eri off at school. Apparently, Aizawa wanted to have a little chat with them and also give them their UA letters. When they got there, they found Aizawa and Tsukauchi at a table waiting for them. They knew. Izuku and Katsuki took a seat across from them after ordering a coffee knowing this isn't going to be a normal chat. "Glad you two could make it. But first, here are the letters." Aizawa said to them. "Arigato." Katsuki replied and took the letters. "Let me guess, you found out something was up and you're here to confront us." Izuku said to the men sitting in front of them. Aizawa nodded. "We believe you two are the missing children from the underground ring we raided all those years ago." Tsukauchi told them. "Which means you two lied about your names on the student files, Kumo. Or should I call you Izuku?" Aizawa said. Izuku and Katsuki looked at each and, as if telepathically, agreed to admit the truth. "Very well. You got us. Now what are you going to do?" Izuku asked them. "I was hoping I could adopt you two since you're both still kids. If that's alright." Aizawa confessed to the boys. Izuku and Katsuki were shocked to see that Aizawa wanted to adopt them. "We'll have to talk to Eri first before you do." Katsuki told Aizawa. And so, the boys were probably going to get adopted before the start of the new school year.

Later that day, they picked up Eri from school and told her about what happened earlier on the way back home. "So you two are going to get adopted by Dadzawa?" Eri asked them. Guess she was ok with it. "I guess so." Izuku replied as Katsuki texted Aizawa saying they agree to the adoption and that they will tell him everything. Let's just say shortly after they got home, there was a knock on the door. Eri laughed as her dad and papa jumped up to go see who it was. Sure enough, Aizawa showed up with adoption papers in hand. "Well that didn't take you long." Katsuki joked as he let the man in. "Hey! I'm getting this done as soon as possible, and you agreed to this." Aizawa joked right back. Eri laughed from where was sitting. "Anyways, I'm guessing you want us to sign these?" Izuku asked. Aizawa nodded and the boys shared a look before signing the adoption papers. Aizawa is now officially their dad. Dadzawa confirmed. That night they celebrated with Katsuki making katsudon for dinner and Eri trying to call Dadzawa ojiisan. Aizawa sighed but gave into the fact that he is now old. After dinner and getting Eri settled in bed, Izuku and Katsuki told Aizawa everything. From being held in the ring to when they started vigilantism. Dadzawa was very understanding and allowed them to join him on his patrol that night. Tomorrow they start their first day at UA high.

ok so this chapter ended up just short of what i wanted but oh well
motivation and creativity was at an
all time low
i hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the wait

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