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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

    A few patrols and several criminals caught and put behind bars later, Eraserhead finally took them to Hosu. Hypnos and Chargebolt were to stay with him while Ground Zero and Dekiru patrolled a different section of the city. "Now remember, no quirk usage until given permission. Got it?" Eraserhead made sure they understood. "Yessir." They answered back and followed after their teacher. Everything seemed calm at first, but then an explosion went off. "Follow me and stay close. If this is a villain attack then you have my permission to use your quirks." "Right." The three took off to see what was the cause of the explosion. When they arrived, they saw creatures like the one during the attack on the USJ. "You two help evacuate the civilians! Once everyone is safely out of the way, you two standby and wait in case we need help!" Eraserhead ordered them. "I'll inform Dekiru and Ground Zero of the situation!" Chargebolt yelled out. "Thanks! We could use their help if they haven't found trouble themselves!"

    It turns out, they were already dealing with something else. Well, more like someone else. Dekiru remembered Iida doing his internship with the normal hero: Manual. The hero's agency just so happened to be located in Hosu. The same city Stain has been spotted in. The same guy who injured his brother. Anyways, those two were holding off Stain while waiting for Iida to get back on his feet and get the injured hero, Native, out of there. Iida tried arguing with them saying that this was his fight, but I guess you can say it fell on deaf ears. "You two remind me of another duo who are equally as annoying." Stain stated. "Thanks. We get that a lot." Ground Zero joked. "Oh no. It is you two." Stain dreaded. He found Stain's look of dread amusing. "Hey, I just received word from Chargebolt that Nomus are attacking the city! We better wrap this up quick!" Dekiru explained to Ground Zero.

    "Hey Eraserhead! Dekiru messaged me back saying they've encountered Stain!" Chargebolt inform his mentor. "Shit! Hey Endeavor, can you handle the Nomus on your own? A few of my students ran into the hero killer!" He asked the fiery hero. "I got this! Go!" Endeavor shouted finishing off a Nomu. "Thanks!" And with that, he was off to assist his students. A few minutes before, after Dekiru sent the message to Chargebolt, Shoto showed up to help. "I was helping the last of the civilians evacuate when I saw you guys fighting. So I figured I come and help." He said monotoned. "Can you get Iida and Native out of here? We can't risk their safety while fighting." Dekiru hoped he would understand. Shoto nodded and moved the two to the sidewalk and performed basic first aid on their wounds. Thank goodness Shoto knows jsl.

"You annoying wannabes." Stain started to speak. "Get out of my way! I must purge this world of fakes! Only true heroes shall remain!" He shouted as he went to strike. Ground Zero tried to blast him back, but Stain dodged it and got around him. Shoto somewhat froze him in place, but the ice wasn't going to hold him long. Dekiru attempted to land a strike on Stain, but couldn't when he broke free from the ice. Stain slashed his sword at him and managed to nick him. Dekiru thought he got out the way fast enough, but learned that he didn't when Stain's quirk came into effect. "Shit! That's not good." Ground Zero and Shoto were trying their best to hold Stain back but one question kept bugging Dekiru. 'Is he still after Native or-'

His thought process was disrupted when he noticed he was able to move slightly. 'The quirk must be wearing off. Which means there's a limit to how long the effects last.' Then it clicked. There was a vigilante they had an encounter with when they first started. His quirk took effect when he ingested someone's blood. "Ground Zero!" Dekiru got his partner's attention. "Stain is that vigilante we ran into a few months after we came out as vigilantes! He is Stendhal!" Ground Zero looked at him then at Stain and saw the similarities. "So this is what you've been up to, Stendhal. Gotta say, this is pathetic." Ground Zero started. Stain looked at him like 'how tf does he know?' "What happened to the man we ran into years ago?" Stain was confused. They never met before so how does he know he was Stendhal. Noticing the confused look on his face, Dekiru walked in front of him and signed something only he would know. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Stain remembered them and wished he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting up with them again. He rather be anywhere but in front of these two.

    When Eraserhead finally got there, he was disappointed. Of all the problem children in his class, Iida was the last student he'd expect to do something like this. To think the class president would go after the hero killer. Speaking of the hero killer, apparently he was apprehended and sat up against the building. "Just what happened here?" He asked the three who took down Stain. "He turned himself in." Shoto said stoically without going into further detail. Eraserhead sighed. "Perhaps one of you could explain?" He asked his problem children. They each shook their heads. The truth is Stain let them apprehend him because he believed in those two and because of a broken rib or three.

"ERASER!" Endeavor shouted trying to get the underground hero's attention. "What is it?" "The nomu with the wings took off this way!" Endeavor informed him. A loud screech caught the attention of the heroes. The winged nomu swooped down and snatched Dekiru. Before anyone could react, the hero killer jumped onto the nomu and killed it freeing the boy. Stain landed and turned to face the heroes releasing a blood lust freezing them in place. "There are too many fake heroes out there. Only true heroes like this boy are worthy!" After his little speech, he froze up due to one of hos ribs poking his lung. Stain and anyone else who was injured was taking to the nearest hospital. The heroes and heroes-in-training had a talk with the police chief about their fight with Stain. Since Dekiru and Ground Zero technically had permission to fight, they were given the choice of taking the credit for defeating Stain or giving it to someone else. After a little discussion, they decided to give the credit to the heroes so they weren't in the spotlight for this.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I tried to write about their
encounter with Stain
So hopefully I did okay
If there are any mistakes
Let me know
Also Stain knows of them thx to the underground ring they fought in

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