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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

    After everyone left for home, Izuku and Katsuki couldn't help but think they might've actually found friends they could trust. Eri was happy to become friends with her dad and papa's new friends. The three decided to watch a movie before Eri had to go to bed and Izuku and Katsuki go on patrol. And I'm totally not breaking the fourth wall here to say this is rushed and you know it.

After they finished the movie and put Eri to bed, Izuku let Aizawa know they were going on patrol. He almost immediately received a text from him saying he'll be right there. Katsuki finished getting ready when Izuku informed him of Eraser joining them for their patrol. After Izuku got ready, they headed out to meet up with Eraserhead. "Glad you could join us." Katsuki signed. "Someone has to keep an eye on you problem children. Besides, as your dad, it's only right it be me to keep you from getting too hurt. I need you two to keep me sane during school hours." Eraserhead replied. Soon the three were off stopping crimes left and right. By the end of patrol, Eraserhead took a bullet to the shoulder, Izuku got stabbed in the gut, and Katsuki walked away with a twisted ankle so good times. The three all had the same thought. 'Recovery Girl is going to kill us.' And sure enough, when Eraser called RG to heal them, she quietly beat the shit out of them as to not wake Eri and scold them for being reckless. She did eventually heal them and threatened them with her cane that if this happened again, she just might not come to help them. After Recovery Girl traumatized them, they decided to try and get some sleep before they had to get up for school.

The next day when they arrived at school, they were bombarded by questions from their friends asking if they can hang out with Eri again. Izuku agreed while Katsuki contemplated whether or not if that's really a good idea. They eventually started talking about something else til Aizawa came in like the caterpillar he is. School was slow and boring until it came to the last class of the day, heroics class. Everyone was waiting in the classroom wondering who was going to be their teacher when suddenly... "I'M COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might came in like an idiot shouting. All but two students were excited about having All Might teach them heroics. Aizawa groaned knowing this was going to be a drag. "I WANT ALL OF YOU TO PUT ON YOUR HERO COSTUMES AND MEET ME AT GROUND BETA!" Izuku and Katsuki internally groan, but got up with the rest of the class to change.

Like always, they were the first two out. Their friends were a few seconds behind so they were improving. Everyone made their way out at some point, but at least they beat All Might. Aizawa was there to make sure that oaf didn't do anything that will put his problem children in too much trouble, and to keep an eye out for those who are improving. "TODAY CLASS, WE WILL BE HAVING A FIGHT BETWEEN HEROES VS VILLAINS! YOU WILL BE PAIRED INTO TEAMS RANDOMLY! THE VILLAIN TEAM WILL HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO SCOUR THE BUILDING LAYOUT AND PLANT THE FAKE BOMB ON ONE OF THE FLOORS! THE HERO TEAM WILL GO IN AFTER THE FIVE MINUTES IS UP AND TRY TO STOP THE VILLAINS! THE ROUND ENDS WHEN THE HEROES CAPTURE THE VILLAINS OR BOMB OR THE VILLAINS CAPTURE THE HEROES OR PROTECT THE BOMB TIL THE TIME IS UP! YOU HAVE TWENTY MINUTES WHEN THE TIME STARTS! NOW TO PICK THE TEAMS!

TEAM A: Akatani and Gogatsu
TEAM B: Hagakure and Sato
TEAM C: Tsuyu and Uraraka
TEAM D: Kaminari and Sero
TEAM E: Tokoyami and Kirishima
TEAM F: Shoji and Ojiro
TEAM G: Jiro and Iida
TEAM H: Aoyoma and Koda
TEAM I: Mina and Yaoyorozu
TEAM J: Shoto Todoroki
(these were completely random)

    "NOW THAT WE HAVE THE TEAMS PAIRED UP, ROUND ONE WILL BE TEAM E VS TEAM F!" So the rounds went in the order I listed them. The first two teams went to prepare while the others headed to the viewing room. After the five minutes were up, the hero team headed inside to look for the bomb and keep an eye out for the villains. While Shoji may have been able to locate the bomb, the problem was getting past the villains who were protecting it. Within the last five minutes, Shoji took out Kirishima but before Ojiro could touch the bomb, Dark Shadow came in and knocked him back and tied him up too. "VILLAINS WIN!" All Might shouted into the mic. The teams made their way to the viewing and the next two teams went to prepare.

    Once the next round started, Momo created a device to help them locate the bomb. When they found the room, at first they thought it was the wrong room until Tsuyu went to grab one of them. It was then they knew, they were going to have to grow wings and fly to get the floating bomb. Momo was trying to create something to get the bomb, but was stopped by Tsuyu grabbing her and tying her up. Mina realized they haven't seen the other villain, but it was too late as Uraraka came dropping onto her shoulders taking her down. "THE VILLAIN TEAM WINS!" All Might's voice boomed over the speakers.

    The next round had everyone questioning their classmates. The villain team was literally playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who will do what. Kai won and started patrolling the halls while Kumo hid the bomb and protected it. Let's just say Kai intentionally let Hagakure slip past him so Kumo gets the chance to show off too. Kai took down Sato like he was putting a toddler in timeout. Hagakure found the room with only three minutes left in the round. She walked in the room and saw no one thinking maybe Kumo left to help Kai. How wrong she was. When she was inches from the bomb, Kumo came from seemingly nowhere and knocked her out. How he knew where she was confused everyone and made Dadzawa proud.

    The next round began, but everyone else was still wondering how did Kai and Kumo pull off what they did. Jiro was listening and keeping track of where Todoroki was since he was on a team by himself. Iida hid the bomb and got a little too into character while protecting it. Todoroki didn't waste any time in freezing the whole building and winning the round. There's not much to say about the next round. One student nearly puked, another student short-circuited themselves, and another one used animals to catch the other opponent and secure the win. These were the only times the hero teams won. After going over what the teams did wrong, they were dismissed. After school, the wonder squad met up at the cafe after picking Eri up from school to hang out. Mina is totally shipping her other classmates and telling the squad all about it.

So Im just winging this whole chapter
this is turning out to be harder than I thought
but fun really
Im inconsistent with the names
so bare with me on that
I'll eventually get to the next chapter
so hang in there I guess
I have so many more stories I want to write

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