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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

Time skip to six months before UA entrance exam

The boys were sitting in the living room of their house having a conversation about what they are going to do in the future. They bought a house shortly after they rescued Eri and stopped Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai and they were planning on buying one anyway after they confessed their feelings for each other. Izuku also taught Eri japanese sign language(jsl). It might have taken a few months but she eventually was able to use jsl fluently, of course she still talks while doing so. They were deciding whether or not to attend UA, Eri came bounding over to show them her drawing and to butt into their conversation. "Look what I drew!" "That looks amazing, Eri-chan!" Izuku signed. "Come on, let's hang it on the fridge." Katsuki signed. After they hung the picture, Eri signed asking what they were talking about before. "Well Eri, we were talking about whether or not we should attend UA high to become heroes." Izuku explained. Eri was confused. "But you both are heroes already." "Not legally, small bean." Katsuki signed back. Eri thought about it for a moment before sharing her opinion on the idea. "Why not go then to become heroes legally? Then you wouldn't have to run from the heroes all the time!" Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other then back at Eri. She had a point. "You sure you want us to go?" Izuku asked her. Eri nodded her head beaming. The boys smiled and agreed to go to UA.

    Katsuki knocked out a pattern on the wall to let Eri know its time for bed. "Be careful and don't come back hurt." Eri told them. Katsuki and Izuku were getting ready for patrol. As the two most wanted vigilantes, patrols are fun for them. They either tease Endeavor and leave him in a nearby river, or mess with Eraserhead, or as they dubbed him "Pencil Tip". "Don't worry, we will. Now off to bed." Once they got Eri settled in, they headed out to patrol the city and stop bad guys.

    Two hours into their patrol, Eraserhead started chasing them. Luckily they threw Endeavor into the river last night, otherwise they would've had to deal with potential burns. They stopped on a rooftop to let Eraser catch up. "Tenshi. Kioshi." "Hello there, Pencil Tip." Tenshi signed to the hero. "You two going to come with me peacefully or not?" Eraser asked. "Oh come on, Eraser! Can't we just chat with our favorite hero?" Tenshi signed back. The hero sighed. "If we're going to chat, are either of you going to speak?" Eraser asked them. "Well about that, not happening anytime soon. We were just wondering, well I was, if you would like to tag along with us for the rest of our patrol. If you want." Tenshi offered. Eraser sighed. "Come on, let's get moving. My scanner picked up on something coming from that way." Kioshi signed to them after tapping his foot to get their attention. Eraserhead nodded and the three headed to see what was going on. Turns out a drug deal was going on. Five guys; four buyers one dealer. "Me and Koishi will take the buyers, you take the dealer. From what I can tell, this is one of the drug dealers that's been giving the police a lot of trouble and his quirk, hallucination, is super annoying to deal with." Eraserhead agreed and the three jumped down to take them out. One totally epic battle later, and the bad guys were tied up and the police were on their way to pick them up. "You want to wait for the police or continue patrolling with us? Tenshi already left a note on what happened." Kioshi asked the hero. "Let's keep going." Eraser decided. He figured maybe he can learn something about the two that will lead him to their identities.

After their patrol ended, they signed goodbye and parted ways with the hero. "Oh! One last thing before we go," Tenshi signed. "Cant wait to see you at UA." Kioshi signed finishing what Tenshi was saying. After that they were gone leaving Eraserhead mentally facepalming. The two vigilantes he had been chasing for four years are only kids. He called Detective Tsukauchi saying he had information on Tenshi and Koishi. "What did you learn?" the detective asked him. "Turns out they're old enough to start UA next year." "Wait.....THEY'RE JUST KIDS?!" the detective yelled over the phone. "Apparently." Eraser replied pinching the bridge of his nose. "That makes the situation worse. Their just kids playing heroes and doing a better fucking job at it, too." The hero sighed thinking about the less sleep he'll be getting and the extra coffee he'll be needing.

    In the morning after only getting two hours of sleep like a normal person, Katsuki made breakfast for everyone while Izuku went to look at requests he got as Usagi, the famous info broker. Eri walked into the kitchen, still drowsy from just waking up, to the smell of pancakes. "Hey small bean, you hungry for pancakes?" Eri nodded and Katsuki handed her a plate with two pancakes on it. Izuku came into the kitchen shortly after for pancakes, too. "Thanks Kacchan" Izuku signed as Katsuki placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. "Are we going to take a break from patrols so we can focus on training for UA?" Katsuki asked after they finished their pancakes. Izuku thought about it before coming to a solution. "We could cut back on patrols for now. We can stop and focus on training a month before the exams." he suggested. Katsuki nodded and took up the dishes to put in the sink."Eri-chan, go get ready for school." Izuku signed to the small bean. She got up and rushed back to her room to get dressed for the day. When she came back, she was wearing her teddy bear overall dress with a cream colored shirt underneath, and holding hair-ties and her brush. Izuku put Eri's hair up in a double-dutch braid and put a little bow clip in by her horn.

    Izuku and Katsuki dropped her off at school a few minutes early. "Have fun at school, small bean." Katsuki signed. Eri gave them a big hug then ran off to her friend Kota. "They grow up so fast, Kacchan." Izuku signed. Katsuki smirked and took his hand dragging him to the nearby cafe. Unknown to them, a certain sleep-deprived hero and detective were also heading to said cafe. They were just getting coffee from the little cafe two blocks down the street from the elementary school. Nezu, the rat satan, gave Aizawa more work to do since he ain't teaching a class. He may have expelled them but they weren't worth his time or showed any potential to be heroes, and Tsukauchi was tired from working all night. Inside the cafe was busy, and unfortunately their favorite coral-headed barista was running late. Leannari was the only person who workes there that understands jsl for some odd reason. "What would you two like?" Makyō, the other more annoying barista who works there, asked knowing full well they can't speak. Izuku tried miming asking for something to write on because they left their notepad at home. "Stop waving your hands around and tell me your order." He demanded. "Is everything alright?" Aizawa, who was sitting at a nearby table with Dt Tsukauchi, walked up and asked the three. "These two are wasting my-" "ENOUGH! You're just being rude knowing they can't speak!" Leannari came barging in the cafe. The customers already use to her doing this ignored the situation and continued minding their business. Makyō rolled his eyes at her and walked away. "Sorry about that. He can be a real pain in the ass. Anyway, what can I get you two?"

hey so im trying here
ive also got writers block
but at least i got two chapters done
and ready to go before hand
also leannari is me in the story
makyō is just an annoying character
i needed and so thats his purpose
hope you're enjoying reading my struggle

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