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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

Today's the first dy of school. The boys dropped Eri off at her sxhool and were now standing in front of the gates to UA high. This time as students of the hero course. They felt this old feeling of excitement come back as they walked to class. "Remember when we dreamed of attending this school as kids?" Izuku asked Katsuki. "Yeah. It's been ages though." he replied. The two found their class and took some seats by the windows. It wasn't til a few minutes had passed before someone else walked into the classroom. The boy with glasses, or four-eyes, walked in. When he saw the two boys already in there, he decided to introduce himself properly and again apologize for being an ass- I mean rude. "Hello there fellow classmates! My name is Iida Tenya from Somei private school and I just want to again apologize for being rude during the exams!" Iida said while chopping air. Izuku grabbed a notebook from his backpack to communicate with him. He wrote something down and showed it to four-eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't know jsl." Iida replied to him. Just then more students started to come into the classroom. Iida went to introduce himself to the others leaving Izuku and Katsuki alone.

One boy with red hair and shark teeth, a human pikachu, and walking cotton candy approached them. "Hi! My name's Eijiro Kirishima." "I'm Denki Kaminari!" "And my name is Mina Ashido! What are your names?" Izuku held up his notebook with the same question he asked Iida to them. "Sorry man but I don't." "I don't either." I do!" the human pikachu shouted and signed. "Thank goodness. I'm Mikumo Akatani, but you guys can call me Kumo." Izuku replied. "Kai Gogatsu. But I go by Kai." Katsuki signed. Kaminari translated for his friends. "Manly! Hey, what are your quirks? Mine's hardening!" Kaminari opted to translate so Izuku didn't have to. "My quirk is acid!" Mina exclaimed. "My quirk is electrification!" Katsuki decided to tell them his quirk first so Izuku can perhaps mentally prepare himself for what's to come. "My quirk is explosion." He set off a few small explosions in his hands like pop-rocks. "I-I don't have one." Izuku replied. He doesn't know why he sign-stuttered but he did. It was silent before Kirishima spoke. "That's.....so manly! To have made it into the hero course without a quirk! Manly!" "I agree! You gotta be really strong to pull that off!" Mina exclaimed. "Yeah bro! And don't worry, we won't think any less of you." Kaminari reassured him. "Arigato." Izuku thanked them.

"If your here to make friends, then you should leave now." All the students then scrambled to get into their seats. "My name is Shota Aizawa, and I'll be your homeroom teacher. I want you to throw on these gym uniforms and meet me outside." Aizawa then walked out the classroom. Izuku and Katsuki were the first out of their seats, the first two to get changed, and the first two to make to the practice field. Shortly after, Sharky, Pikachu, and Cotton-Candy walked out and joined them. Five minutes later, everyone else finally came out. "You're late. I expect you to get ready faster in the future." Aizawa scolded. "Today, you will be doing a quirk assessment test. Gogatsu, I want you to throw this ball as far as you can with your quirk." Katsuki took the ball from Aizawa and went to stand in the circle. He cocked his arm back and threw the ball with all his strength using his quirk to propel it further. Aizawa's device went off showing the went 1000.69 meters. "Woah! That's so far!" "That's so cool!" "This is going to be fun!" Izuku facepalmed at their idiocy. "You think this will be fun? How bout this, whoever comes in last is expelled." Aizawa told his class. "WHAT?! That's not fair! It's only our first day!" A girl with pink cheeks exclaimed. "She did not just say that. Life isn't fair. Natural disasters, kidnappings, assaults, and villain attacks can happen to anyone." Izuku rambled while Aizawa translated for everyone, except the first part. After all that, they proceeded to do the quirk evaluation.

    Once everyone finished, Aizawa showed the list of everyone's score. In first place is Katsuki, and in last is... "NO!! I don't want to go! I haven't even got to touch the girls, yet!" Mineta cried. He then pointed at Izuku. "How come you aren't expelling him! I heard from the others he's a quirkless freak! I don't get it! How are you even here?!" Grape perv shouted. "Unlike you, he earned his place here. Now get lost." Aizawa told him. "Anyone else got a problem with him?" He asked the rest of the class. The others shook their heads no. "Good. Now go get changed back into your uniforms and prepare for your next class." Aizawa said to them and walked off. When they got back into the classroom, some students approached Izuku. "Is it true your quirkless?" Pink-cheeks asked him. Izuku nodded. "But if you don't have a quirk, how did you get passed the robots in the exams?" She asked out of curiosity. "It's a secret. You'll just have figure it out yourself." Izuku replied and Kaminari translated. Everyone decided to go back to their friend groups and wait for the next class to start leaving Izuku with Kacchan, Sharky, Pikachu, and Cotton-Candy to talk to.

Once the school day was over, Izuku and Katsuki were heading out when their new friends caught up to them. "Hey! Mind if we walk home with you guys?" Cotton-Candy asked. "We actually have to go pick up Eri from school." Izuku replied. "Who's Eri? Is she your sister?" Kaminari asked him. "Not quite." Katsuki replied to him. "Now what do you guys want?" Katsuki asked them.(just so you know Kaminari will translate everything for them) "Well, I was hoping we could hang out and get to know each other more as we walked home." Mina exclaimed. Izuku looked at Katsuki as if telepathically asking for his opinion. All he did was shrug his shoulders so Izuku took that as it doesn't matter. So the friend squad talked and told each other a little bit about themselves until they reached the elementary school. Eri stood there talking to her friend while waiting for her dad and papa to pick her up. When she saw them coming with a group of friends, she knew not to call them dad and papa in front of them just yet. "Hey small bean." Katsuki greeted her. "Hi! Are these your new friends?" Eri asked them. "Yeah, I guess they are. Introduce yourself to them." Izuku told her. "Hi, my name is Eri." She said. "Hi, I'm Kirishima!" "I'm Denki Kaminari." "My name is Mina, and you are just the cutest!" They introduced themselves. "Thank you, and it's nice to meet you all." Eri replied. They decided to head to the cafe to hang out and get to know Eri some more before eventually heading home.

I finally finished this chapter
I hope its okay
I was running out of ideas towards the end but I did it somehow
I hope you liked the nicknames

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