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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

"We're home!" Eri shouted to let her papa know they were back. "Go put your things away and meet me and papa in his office, ok small bean?" Katsuki signed. Eri nodded and went to put her bag in her room while Katsuki made his way to the office. He knocked on the door to let Izuku know he was there. "Hey Kacchan! What took y'all so long?" Izuku asked. "On our way back, we saw a villain attack and they were holding someone hostage. The heroes were just standing around not doing anything. I thought about stepping in, but before I could the so-called number one hero showed up and took him out." Katsuki explained to him. All Might may be the number one hero, but he is also quirkist. They once had to stop someone from committing after they were told they can't be a hero without a quirk by the man. "Of course" Izuku signed. Eri came running into the room and hugged Izuku. "How was school today, Eri-chan?" Izuku asked after letting go of the hug. "It was great! Kota asked if I could come visit him this weekend. Is it okay if I go?" Eri asked them. "Well, we'll have to ask his guardian if it's okay to let you stay over, alright?" Izuku signed. Eri nodded and hopped into his lap. "So what did Nezu want?" Katsuki asked Izuku about the request he got from the rat satan. "He wanted information on a group calling themselves the "League of Villains" or LoV for short. I found out they recently started and are gathering people to join them for something. I'm still looking but it will take some time before I find out what." Izuku explained. "Sounds like someone played too much League of Legends." Katsuki stated gaining a smirk from Izuku and a chuckle from Eri. "Oh, do you mind bringing this to Nezu for me?" Izuku asked him. "I guess I can do that. Is there anything else you need me to deliver?" Katsuki asked taking the flash drive from Izuku. He shook his head and Katsuki got ready and headed out to deliver the info to the rat satan.

    Eraserhead was about to head out to see Dt Tsukauchi before going on patrol when he got a message from Tenshi. Turns out him and Kioshi aren't going out tonight. Eraserhead sighed hoping he doesn't have to much trouble with the vigilantes taking a break. The tired hero walked into the detective's office to find an equally tired detective going through paperwork. "You called saying you have something to tell me?" Eraserhead asked. "Yes. You remember the info broker, Usagi?" Tsukauchi asked him. Eraserhead nodded. "Well, Nezu requested for some info on the LoV from him, and he found more on them than what we've been able to find." Eraserhead nodded. It's good that they got more info on them now. "There's another reason you're bringing this up." Eraserhead asked the detective. "Nezu thinks he found a connection Usagi and the vigilantes we've been trying to catch." The hero sighed. "What gave him that idea?" "Turns out Usagi had Kioshi to deliver the information to him instead of going himself." Eraserhead sighed again. That would also explain how the two knew so much. "I'm heading out. Oh and before I forget, Tenshi and Kioshi are taking tonight off." "Of course they are. Well, we'll just have to wait til their next patrol to try and catch them." Tsukauchi sighed and dragged his hand down his face.

    Katsuki asked the others if they would like to go out and eat. Izuku was considering it while Eri just nodded her head. They eventually decided to head out giving Katsuki a break from cooking. Izuku suggested going to the mall afterwards so maybe they can do a little shopping. So the three headed out to eat and relax for once. While they were wandering around mall looking at the different shops, some lowlife decided to cause havoc. Unfortunately, the idiot failed to realize his mistake until he found himself tied up on the ground. When the police and detective finally arrived, the situation had already been taken care of. On the ground tied up was the thug and standing not too far away were the two who took him down. While the police dragged the guy out, the detective approached Izuku and Katsuki. "I'm guessing you two were the ones who took him down?" Tsukauchi asked them. Izuku nodded to confirm his guess is correct. "I'll need to take your statements on what happened." "Okay but I don't think your quirk will work on us." Izuku told the detective. Tsukauchi nodded and began asking them to recall what happened. After that was done, the detective thanked them and left to file the report. "So much for taking a break." Katsuki stated. Izuku agreed and picked Eri up as she was tired from all the excitement. They headed home afterwards deciding to put the shopping on hold.

    The next few months were interesting to say the least. Criminals started disappearing and the vigilantes and tired hero knew something big was going to happen. The exams for UA were tomorrow and both boys were ready. The tired hero was hoping the next class of future heroes will at least have some potential, and the poor detective just wants to know who Eraser's two problem children- I mean vigilantes are. Izuku was playing a game of chess against Nezu when Eri came to get him for dinner. He got a checkmate on Nezu and messaged him 'better luck next time', then got up to follow the small bean to the table. Katsuki decided to make katsudon, Izuku's favorite, and made candy apples, Eri's favorite, for dessert. "Thanks Kacchan!" Izuku said before eating. After dinner while eating candy apples, they were discussing whether or not they should hold back during the exams and/or let Aizawa know his favorite problem children are there. "I can't wait to see the look on his face!" Katsuki mentioned just thinking about the shocked expression on the tired hero's face. "I wonder how long it will take him to recognize us." Izuku said while also thinking about how funny his face would look once he saw them. They looked over at Eri to see her sleeping already. Izuku picked her up and carried the sleeping child to her room. After he put her to bed, Katsuki dragged him to their room for a make out session before going to sleep to rest up for tomorrow.

i finally finished the chapter
tho i feel like im rushing things
tell me if there is something
you would like to see
hopefully the next chapter ain't too bad
so how annoyed do you think aizawa would be when he finds out?

*yeets grammar out a window*

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