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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

The students were giving a few days off to rest after the sports festival. Izuku and Katsuki decided to patrol and try to gain more information on the villains that had attacked them at the USJ. From what they've found out, the blue haired villain is named Tomura Shigaraki. His quirk is disintegration or decay, and appears to be the leader. His friend with the teleportation quirk is Kurogiri. Then there's the fact there is clearly a mastermind behind everything but the question is who? While they weren't working on finding information, they were either hanging out with the squad, training Shinso, having game night with Eri and the squad, or making out. Katsuki still hasn't let Izuku live down the fact that he lost against him in the final round. Anyways, the villains hadn't made a move since the USJ and it was a little concerning. Aizawa has also been looking into it and hasn't had much luck finding anything they didn't know.

After the few days were up, everyone sadly had to go back to school. Katsuki literally had to carry Izuku cause he really didn't want to go back yet. "Hey guys! How was your break?" Pikachu asked as they, well Katsuki, walked into the classroom. "It was great. Until it wasn't." Katsuki replied after dropping Izuku in his seat. "You okay, Kumo? You look how I feel." Mina asked noticing the I-don't-want-to-be-here look on his face. "I'm fine. Just been busy with something over break. Well, that and helping Shinso train. He got upgraded." Izuku replied to her. "Wait-" Mina started. "SHINSO IS GETTING TRANSFERRED!?" The three idiots asked together. The duo nodded. Before anyone else could ask, Aizawa walked into the room.

"Settle down. We finally have someone to fill the hole in the class." Aizawa announced then motioned for outside the door to come in. "Everyone, this is Hitoshi Shinso. He'll be your new classmate of today. Be nice, learn to deal with it or suffer." Aizawa threatened then got into his sleeping bag from nowhere and took a nap. "SHINSO!" The squad exclaimed running up to greet the poor guy. "I change my mind. Send me back." Shinso joked as the squad dragged him to his new seat. "Don't worry about it. It could be worse." Kaminari stated as the squad all thought back to the perv from before. "You'll fit in just fine, Brainwave. Relax." Katsuki assured him. "Brainwave?" Shinso asked with clear confusion written on his face. "It's your nickname. Everyone has one." Izuku explained. Katsuki had been waiting for this day to call him that.

    "Now that we got that out of the way, today you will be choosing hero names and which hero agency you would like to spend your internship at." Aizawa then promptly fell back to the floor in his sleeping bag leaving the class to deal with their shit themselves. Midnight came in classroom and received a few questioning glances. She gave a look of disappointment towards Aizawa knowing he forgot about her coming over to help with hero names. "Oh yeah. Midnight is here to make sure your hero name is suitable." Aizawa then fell asleep as Midnight took over.

One by one the students went up to present their hero names. "Red Riot!" "Acidic!" "Chargebolt!" Those were the names Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari chose. "The explosive wonder: Ground Zero!" Katsuki exclaimed. "The quirkless wonder: Dekiru!" Izuku announced after him. "And we're the Wonder Duo!" They exclaimed. "How exhilarating! I accept!" Midnight exclaimed. Last was Shinso and he'd been going over a few options over break, but he thinks he finally decided on one he really likes. "My hero name will be Hypnos." Shinso said. "I love it! It's so you." Midnight said. Once everyone announced their hero names, they began to go over which hero they're going to intern with.

    "Hey squad! Who do you guys plan on doing your internships with?" Mina asked them. "I'm doing mine with Eraserhead." Shinso said. "So are we." Izuku motioned to him and Katsuki. "Anything to give him more work." Katsuki stated. "And a headache." The squad members shook their heads at him in a joking manner. "Well, I'm doing mine with Fourth Kind!" Kirishima announced. "I'm doing mine with Backdraft! I figured maybe I can learn how to shoot my acid like how he shoots water." Mina declared. "That's an excellent idea, Mina!" Izuku exclaimed. "I haven't decided who I'm going to do my internship with yet." Kaminari said. The squad tried to think of who he could possibly intern with when suddenly Katsuki had a bright idea. What if he tagged along with them and interned with Eraserhead? Oh, Aizawa is going to kill him for this, but more the merrier am I right?

    After a few days, the internships were finally beginning. Students headed out to different hero agencies while four waited somewhat patiently for Eraserhead to get moving. Once he had his fourth cup of coffee, Eraserhead decided they will do night patrol later. The students trained and prepared for night patrol while Eraser just napped. Just kidding, he graded papers and planned where they could potentially patrol based on criminal activity. Katsuki decided to look for anything on the league for Izuku so he could train with Shinso and Kaminari. Later that day, Eraser told them they will patrol around Hosu in a few days. Turns out, the hero killer has been spotted in the area. So until then, they will do patrols in their normal areas so the others could get the chance to learn from them.

Hey sorry this took so long
Honestly its hard trying to figure out how
Im going to write everything down
Oh and thank you for waiting
Ever so patiently for me
It might be a while til the next chapter
So hang in there

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