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"Thanks" means talking
"For" means their signing
"Reading" means their talking while signing

    "Hello, Eri. My name is Shoto. It's nice to meet you." He introduced himself. After the school day ended (its friday btw), the squad had brought Shoto over to meet her. "It's nice to meet you, too." Eri replied. "Now that you're part of the family, would you like to stay over for a sleepover?" Eri asked him. Shoto looked to the others who had the same look as Eri hoping he would stay. Well, Katsuki may have had a different impression, but he still looked like he wanted him there. "Sure." He agreed. He'd much rather hang out with them over his father anyday. "Yay!" Eri cheered. Izuku and Kaminari had grabbed all the board games from the closet and Mina grabbed the deck of UNO cards and brought them into the living room.

    Just before dinner was ready, Aizawa walked in to see Todoroki playing games with the group of problem children as he liked to call them. "Another one?" He asked. Izuku gave him a nod before playing a draw 4 on Kirishima. "What? That's so not manly." Kirishima said drawing cards. "Hey. Dinner's about ready. You eating with us?" Katsuki asked emerging from the kitchen. "I guess I can. I don't have patrol til later." Aizawa replied. "Are the two of you planning on going out tonight?" He asked. "Nah. We're having a sleepover this weekend, but we plan on patrolling Monday." Katsuki explained. Aizawa gave him a nod and went to relax while watching Eri beat everyone in UNO with an innocent smile. A smile that screams you just sold your soul to a 6 year old who beat you in a card game.

    "If any of you upset Eri this weekend, I will personally avenge her Monday by giving you all extra training. Goodnight." That was the last thing Aizawa said before leaving for work. "In other words, he'll be with Present Mic this weekend and Eri is in charge." Izuku explained. "You know that threat only works on us and not you two, right?" Kaminari asked. Izuku gave him a nod. "Okay. Just checking. Also, UNO!" Kaminari shouted. "Not for long." Eri said playing a reverse card. "Nooooo! Why did you betray me? Just when I got lucky, too." Kaminari complained as he drew ten cards before he could play one. "Try all you want. The only person to ever beat her is Izuku." Katsuki signed. "Man, how do you win against her?" Kirishima asked. Izuku shrugged before playing a draw two on him. "Uno." Kirishima sighed in defeat. "I shouldn't have asked."

    "Alright, bedtime losers. The small bean needs her beauty sleep." Katsuki told the others as Izuku picked up a yawning Eri. "Goodnight everyone." Eri said before her and Izuku finally make it to her room. "Night Eri." Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari replied to her in unison. "Get to bed, wonder squad. Also, Icyhot. You can stay the night if you like. We can set up the last guest room for you." Katsuki signed. "Thanks." Shoto replied. Katsuki nodded and went to inform Izuku. "Goodnight guys." Kaminari said before going to bed. The others eventually going too. "You're all set. Get some sleep. If we're lucky, your father won't cause us trouble. And if he does, Aizawa would take care of it." Katsuki signed. "Thank you again. Goodnight." "Night." Katsuki retreated to his shared room with Izuku who he found out like a light on the bed. He smiled before helping his boyfriend change into pajamas and climbing into bed spooning him.

It's not as long as the other chapters
But I might leave it as is since
I don't know how to finish it
And sorry for the wait

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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