Vlog #6: Look Who's Back...Again

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Everyone was either asleep or powering off after a long day. Meanwhile, you watch the footage that the alien- I mean, Echo showed you earlier. You've been wondering who saved them and to you..'Their voices sounded a bit familiar to me.' You thought as you stared at the footage again. "Hm?..You're still..up?" You turn around and notice Uzi in her pjs with a tired expression. "*sighs* Sorry, Uzi but with Echo's arrival, this footage and everything else that has happened is getting to my head." You said.

"Well, we're gonna figure it out one way or another . But don't overthink it." Uzi said. "Oh, like how you're kept thinking about that "thing" we just had last week." You smirked as her screen turned bright purple, then she grabbed a pillow and used it to hit across your head. "*chuckles* What? You said you LOVE it so much that you-" "Say one more buzz word and I'll MAKE SURE THAT YOU'LL WON'T WALK AGAIN. And can we go to bed now?" "Heh, okay." You snickered.

Your POV

For a small drone like her, she's really nice to cuddle with- *CRASH!* I immediately got up from the bed as I heard something from outside. "What the-" I slowly got up from the bed but I covered Uzi before I left the room. I quietly left the door, looked around the hallways but nothing was there. "Hmm...Must've come from somewhere else in one of the testing rooms." I said to myself. "Yeah, maybe." I took out my lightsaber but when I was about to attack whoever's there, I suddenly stopped when I realized that it was only V.

"V? You scared the hell out of me!" You quietly exclaimed. "Well, you scared me! I thought that noise was you!" V exclaimed quietly. "Wait, you've heard it too?" "Ugh, what's going on?" We both jumped and turned around to face B. "Oh, sorry, B if we woke you up from your charging or sleeping." I said. "No, it wasn't you guys. It was some sort of loud crash or something that got me and R up." B said. "I thought you two might have something to do with it."

"Wait, what do you mean by "You and R woke up"?...Are you two sleeping together?" V questioned. "W-WHAT?! No, no, no! I have no idea what you guys are talking about!" B silently shouted as a blush grew on his screen. "Listen, you two-" *CRASH!* "Okay, let's check it out before everyone gets woken up." V said. "Agreed. To be honest, it kinda sounds like that crash sounds like it came from one of the testing rooms." I thought about them suddenly, realized something. "*gasps* Echo."

I immediately rushed to one of the rooms and spotted a figure sneaking out from one of the rooms while holding the small spaceship. "HEY!" They turn around and run down the hall. "GET BACK HERE!" I shouted as I took out my wings and followed them. "Guys, what is happening?!" Uzi exclaimed as she came out of the room. "SOMEONE IS STEALING ECHO! GET BACK, YOU MOTHERF**KER!" "Wait! Let them be!" Uzi exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?! They're-" We stopped when we heard someone clearing their throats.

We looked up and saw N with his screen all red from anger while holding the mysterious person and Doggo was holding Echo's ship. "Yeah..whoever this person is, they woken N up and as you can see...He woke up on the wrong side of bed." He said. "Yeah, we can tell by the...expression." I said. "Sorry. N." He didn't say anything but dropped the person down and went back to his room. "Wow...he's so much of a different person now since last year. Must've snapped so hard that he can't take the august or anything like that." V said. "Yeah, he's...Oh, nevermind. Let's just see who this guy really is." I said.

Narrator POV

"I'M A GIRL, YOU IDIOT!" Everyone went silent and stared at the person. "I recognize that voice and that attitude. I can recognize that tone anywhere!" B exclaimed as he went towards the person and ripped off the mask to reveal- "J?!" "*sighs* Okay, you caught me. And I'm ba-" "HELL NO! Y/N, WHERE'S THOSE LIGHTSABERS THAT YOU HAVE?! I'M TAKE THIS B***H TO THE DARKSIDE!" Uzi shouted. "OKAY, UZI! WHY DON'T WE JUST TALK TO HER ABOUT THIS?!" B exclaimed. "YEAH, LISTEN TO HIM, YOU CRAZY EMO!" J shouted. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A EMO, YOU LITTLE-" "SHUT THE F**K UP!" "...Told you guys not to get on N's bad side. He's scary." Doggo said.


J was tied up to a chair while everyone was on the other side of the table. "Alright, you better-" "Okay, I have a few questions for you guys: First, WHAT THE-" "SHUT UP, PEOPLE!" "What the heck happened to N? Did you change his highdrive or something?" J whispered. "No, he "snapped" during last year and...he's been a psychopath/innocent bean ever since." You said. "Okay, that's new. And purple..worker- murder drone?" J asked. "Her name is Uzi and she got stabbed by the acid tails so much that she strangely turn into a murder drone for some reason, like her mother." You explained.

"What? Her mom is a murder drone too? I thought I- ''''Well, apparently she didn't. A lot has changed since last year. Speaking of which, what are you doing here back alive and trying to kidnap Echo?" Uzi questioned. "Who the hell is Echo?" Doggo places the ship on the table. "That's Echo. Well, actually, we've decided to call them that until further notice." B said. "So, you've decided to call an unknown species alien "Echo''? Seriously?" J said.

"Got a better name, pigs tails?" Uzi questioned. "Touché." "But most importantly...What the hell happened to you, human or "Y/N"? You've looked more different than before, like those wings on your back, new different eye color and that super sonic that you have?" J asked. "Well, it's complicated to explain how I got them." "Okay, cut it with the questions. Why and How are you back to life and trying to steal Echo?" Uzi demanded. "Well, for 1. I don't really know I got back to life. I was designated by your laser gun." J said.

"And 2...I thought it was something important with that..."Echo" because it was messing with my system as well as your friends. So, there! Are you satisfied with that?" "Well, that one thing about that but still. How are you back?" V asked. "For the last time, I don't know." She said, "And why are you guys calling that "ship" Echo?" Then, it glows blue and Echo slowly flows from the ship, letting out a confused beeping. "What the-" "Sorry for waking you up, Echo. We were talking to someone." B said.

Echo turned their direction to J and slowly flowed towards her. "Hey, hey! Back away, robot alien!" J exclaimed but Echo just kept going towards her, making her jump back in her chair. "I SAY-" Then, J suddenly falls back and falls to the floor. "We'll, at least that's the only thing that made me feel better tonight." Uzi said. "Okay, if anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping." B said as he was about to leave the room. "You mean "sleeping with your girlfriend"?" You teased with a smirk.

"R is not my girlfriend, end of story!" B growled with a bright blush on his screen. "Okay then. But if you two decided to "it"- "I will wake up N and he will kill you guys but not me!" B exclaimed before he left the room. "Well, I guess we should talk about this in the morning. Goodnight." V said as she left. "*sighs* I guess we can have to go into one of the empty for you until what we're gonna do with you." You said. "What? Can we just put her in the closet?" Uzi said. "Uzi.." "*groans* Fine! Come on." She said, You grab the ropes from the chair and take her to the rooms.

"Wait a sec, why are you helping me? I didn't try to kill you back on the planet?" J questioned. "Well, for me, you tried to take me to that company you've been talking about but you didn't try to kill me. Only cause some slight cracked bones." You said. "But a certain someone said that "You treated others how you wanna be treated." "Not me." Uzi said. "We both know that you don't, Uzi." You said. "Touche."

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