Volg#12: Malfunction Pt.2

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Everyone stared at the person down the hall and realized that it's- "Echo? Is that you?" V questioned. "Wait, how would you know if that's really Echo?" Uzi questioned. "He has the same symbol as Echo on his neck." She said, "Oh...WAIT A SEC, HOW DID YOU TURN INTO A HUMAN?!" "I'll explain later but for now, you guys need to go!" Echo exclaimed. "You don't have to tell us twice!" Doggo exclaimed before he and everyone quickly left the area but they hid behind the corner to watch. "Echo~...It's been a while.~""You said with a smirk as your eyes glow red.

"Are you kidding me?..This has gone too far, Abaddon!" Echo shouted. "Abaddon?" V muttered as everyone looked at each other with confusion. "First, that incident back on Planet X4, then that "accident" crash landing on this planet, and now, this?! Possessing my friend?," Echo exclaimed as his eyes glowed with anger. "How can you call this human a 'friend'? They're just easy prey." Abaddon smirks sinisterly, then Echo slams him against the wall while grabbing his neck, gripping it tight. "You don't f*** with me or my new friends." He growled. "Heh, if you hurt me~..you'll hurt them too.~" Abaddon said.

"Huh, that's true but this might help.." "What-" Echo takes a blue orb from his hands and throws it at him, making the area filled with smoke. When it clears up, they see Y/N laying down on the floor, unconscious and covered in red marks and the other figure is Abaddon.

"Hm, clever

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"Hm, clever.." He said. "Thank you..Now, leave me and my friends alone. And what have you done to Crystal?" Echo questioned but Abaddon only gave him an evil smirk and chuckled darkly. "Abaddon...What..did you do..to Crystal?" He questioned again. "Heh, why don't you ask her?~ If she could even walk.." He said, then let out an evil laugh. Echo stared at him, then the realization hits him when he finds out what he's saying and what he did. "W-Wait...is he saying that h-he..?" Marmalade muttered. "Y-Yeah...he actually did...He's a sicko.." V said as she clenched her hands into fists and Doggo snarled at him as he show his sharp, metal fangs.

N doesn't understand Abaddon by the look on Echo's face and the shock glances on his friend's faces, he knows that he's trouble. Meanwhile, J noticed a light blue tail tip poking from a closet at the hall. "What the.." She mutters before she gets up and walks towards the door and slowly opens. She gasped in shock as she spotted Crystal with her eyes blindfolded, her hands and paws tied up, and a clothed gag was in her mouth. There's many blue and dark marks on her neck and her clothes were slightly ripped up. "What the- Crystal?!" J exclaimed in shock and quickly took the gag off.

She noticed that the blindfold was soaking over her eyes. 'She must've been crying..' She thought before she took off the blindfold and Crystal's eyes were bright red from crying. "Cr-Crystal.." She looked as she let out whimpering while shaking slightly. "Wh-What did he do to you?" J questioned. Crystal didn't say anything but her ears went down and she hugged J tightly as she sobbed loudly. Usually, J would just snap at her for hugging her and acting like this but..something in her system made her hug Crystal back and patted her back. "J-J...H-He-" "We know now that he's gonna pay for this. And I promise..."

Her pigtails slowly turn dark red and her screen glitches yellow to bright red with anger. "...He will suffer.." She growled. J helps her up on her feet (or paws) and takes her out of the closet. "V, Marmalade..." The two drones turn around and gasp at the sight of Crystal and the state that she's in. "Oh, my god...Crystal."  Marmalade said. "I'm gonna take her to the infirmary..and make sure that you guys suffer that Abaddon guy painfully." J said, then she glared at Abaddon before carefully taking Crystal to the infirmary. Echo caught a glimpse of Crystal and his rage grew as he death glares at Abaddon.

"YOU F***ING B***H!" He roared with fury as he grabbed Abaddon by his neck and strangled him. "YOU...YOU..." Echo only growled, then threw him to the iron walls, creating a large dent on it with blood spattered on it. "Echo, we'll deal with him another time! We have to help Y/N and Crystal right now!" Uzi exclaimed as she and N held him back but Echo breaks from their grip and he starts beating the hell out of Abaddon. "Uh...L-Let's just get Y/N and take them to the infirmary." N said, "Yeah, because I don't feel bad for him. He's gonna die because of Echo's rage." Uzi said. Then, they went to your body and picked you up from the floor and takes you to the infirmary room.


Everyone was able to find the rest of their friends and help them up with some repairs. (Or their saliva because..it's healing saliva). "Okay, what did that guy do to you guys?" Tessa asked. "Well, at first, I tried to fight him but after many attempts, it looks like he's not affected by our attacks. Then, he knocked us and we were woken by a few worker drones." B said, then he winced by the pain on his cracked screen. "Oh..Apparently, Abaddon must be the one who was controlling Y/N when they were taking Tania to their bedroom." Doggo said.

"Speaking of which, where is she? We got separated when Y/N- I mean, Abaddon attacked." Marmalade said. "This is too much to handle..I can't take the angst anymore, right, guys?" R asked, but didn't get any responses. "Guys?" They looked at the rest and noticed the looks on their faces (or screen). N was holding his legs to his chest with his head down, V was leading on his shoulder as she was staring at the floor with no emotions and J's head was on Crystal's lap while she was patting her back. "They're...They're not taking this well." Marmalade said. "O-Okay...where's Uzi?" B questioned.

Meanwhile, Uzi was in her dorm room, laying down on her bed. She was thinking about what happened earlier...that you were hurting your friends...approaching her with a lightsaber in your hands. 'If Echo didn't stop them...they might..' She thought, then curled up into a ball and whimpered slightly. "Why...Why does this keep happening to us?.." She muttered, then she heard a knock on the door. "It's open.." Uzi said, then her mother came in. "Hey, sweetie.." Nori said. (If you ask about the name "Nori" and not 'U', it's because that I found out in one of the episodes.) "Oh, h-hey, Mom.." Uzi muttered,

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" She asked as she sat down on the side of her bed. "Not good...I just keep thinking about that moment when Y/N was about to kill me with their lightsaber. I...I just have a feeling that he's gonna-" Then, she gets a flashback of the moment when the Murder Drones attacked the base back on the Frozen Planet or Earth 1. When N was in his killer stage and her dad just left her for dead. "Uzi...look at me." Nori said, Uzi gets up and sits next to her on the side of the bed, then looks at her. "Listen, Uzi...Y/N loves you with their heart and they never...I mean, never hurt you in any sort of way. They know what you've been through and you know it too." She said.

"If Y/N died from the incident from last year-" "Mom, please don't-" "They told me that even if they're dead, they will take their soul and put themselves into another murder drone body just to be with you and everyone." Nori said. Uzi looked at her mother in shock at what she said. "R-Really? They would do that for me?" She asked. "Of course, no matter what. As long as they're with you, they're complete...Well, almost complete because of their...you know who." She said, "Th-Thanks, Mom..I needed that." Uzi muttered. Nori smiled at her, then she hugged her daughter and she slowly hugged back. 'And...the Number#1 top spot for Best and Support Mother goes to..Me!' 

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