Vlog#9: A Flashback

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Everyone was waiting in the infirmary while getting checked up on the injuries from the incident or "The Promening". But what they're most focused on is about the woman named "Tessa". "Okay, Y/N..The bruises are healed but whatever that this Russian drone named "Doll" out into your body is unknown. It could be dangerous." Marmalade said. "*sighs* Thanks for the info, Marmalade. We still needed some answers though.." You muttered, "Yeah, we need answers from someone....a certain human, in fact..." Uzi said as they all turned their direction to Tessa. "Okay, I know what you all are thinking: Yes, I'm alive and observing you all." She said,

"After all these years, we thought you were dead. And all this time, you were just..observing us..Do you know how long I was looking for you?!" J shouted. "Listen, J...I have a reason to explain." Tessa said. "You better." V growled a bit. She let out a sigh and started explaining.

After I've finished working on my projects for my academy, I was going to visit my grandfather, Clan. I asked the workers to know where he is but they looked at each other and told me to wait for him until he's finished on a little "project" that he's been working on for a few months. Instead of waiting, I start looking around the company for him until I hear a scream from downstairs. I immediately rushed down the stairs and saw a crack through the door. I got curious and decided to take a look. And what I saw, it shocked me to my core. My grandfather was holding a bloody human hand as he was sitting down covered in blood without saying anything. Then, he starts chuckling a bit and soon the chuckling turns into laughter like an insane maniac in a mental hospital. I couldn't take it anymore and ran away, still in shock from what I witnessed. I now knew that my own grandfather was a psychopath.

"And a few years later...here we are now." Tessa said. They stared at her when she told the story. "S-So, you ran away because you knew the truth?...But..why didn't you tell any of us back then?" N questioned. "And who would believe a young girl without any proof? I just couldn't take it." She said, "Hmm...Fine." "Okay, would anyone please explain to us what's happening? Do you guys know this one?" You asked. "Well, Y/N. This is Tessa, the granddaughter of...you know who. And to be honest, she's one of the humans who are nice to us." J said. "Hm, so..this is Y/N, I've been hearing around from everyone? Always wanted to meet you." Tessa said.

Your POV

"Pleasure to meet you in person." She put hand out for a handshake. I  look at her before shaking her hand. "Same here..I guess." I muttered, but honestly, I've been getting strange vibes from her. "Speaking of which, why did a relative of a psychopath come here at this time? Oh, I don't know..Maybe TRY KILL LIKE HER GRANDFATHER!" Uzi exclaimed, she put a knife up Tessa's neck. "Uzi, she's not like her grandfather. Trust us." N said as he held her back. "Oh, I trust you and everyone, except for J." "Hm, and besides, I've known your friend too.." Tessa said. What? This is the first time that I'm meeting her and she said that we know each other? What is wrong with this woman?

"What? How? This is the first time that I'm meeting you.." I said. "Hm, apparently, you don't remember much, do you?" Tessa said. "What?" She reaches down to her pocket and takes out a hyperdrive. Then, she went to me and lifted my arm before inserting the drive into my robotic arm. "Uh, what are you-" "Come down, and this flashback will explain everything." Tessa said. "What flashback-"

I suddenly wake up from shock, panting quickly and slowly get up. "What did that girl do to me?" I muttered, I looked around and noticed my surroundings. It looked like I'm in some big, fancy mansion...in some 80 style. To be honest..it's kinda creepy. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I slowly turned around, I saw some people dressed fancy and the one who tapped my shoulder was one of them wearing a black top hat. "Are you alright little boy/girl?" They asked. I didn't know what to say and stared at them but I nodded slightly. "Okay..You can explore and look around the place if you want but don't get lost. If you do, we have our drones that will help you get back. Understand?"

I just stare at them before walking off to the other side of the hallway. I looked around, I noticed a few worker drones walking and serving people as butlers and waitresses but I started to recognize most of them when we had that battle from last year...Were all of murder drones used to be worker drones? This keeps getting more confusing and there's questions that need to be answered. As I keep looking around, I accidentally bump into someone. "Oof! Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was-" "No, no, no! It's my fault, I'm sorry!" Wait....I recognize that voice. "Are you okay, Ms./Mr. L/N?"

I looked up and noticed- "N?" "Yes, that's my name. Did the boss or Ms. Tessa tell you my name?" N asked. I was in complete shock by what I'm seeing right now. A few short minutes ago, I was in the infirmary with my friends and this weird woman named Tessa and she put some hyperdrive into my robotic arm and now, I'm in some 80 style world with every murder drone is a worker drone now? Why do strange things always happen to me? I slowly got up and noticed the clothes that I'm wearing. Great..now, I dressed like some 80 style businessman/businesswoman? "Uh, Ms./Mr. L/N? Are you okay?" N asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking about something." I said, "Okay- Oh, can I offer you some treats? They were requested by Ms. Tessa for her friends and those who come." N said, he showed me a few treats on a serving silver platter. "Hmm...I think I'll pass..Thank you." You said. "Of course, I love to chat but I have to-" Then, a female drone wearing some glasses bumps into him, making both of them fall down. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I looked at the drone and muttered "V?" "I'm so sorry! Let me just-" "N-No, it's okay!"

They were about to grab the silver platter but a blue spark suddenly came when they touched each other's hand. They looked at each other with a blush on their face (or screen). I secretly smirked at their reaction. I always knew those two were made for each other. N was about to say something but he was kicked and that made him yelp and fall on his side. "Watch it, idiot." Oh, no...I turned around to see who kicked him. "J..." I muttered. But to be honest, she looks kinda funny while wearing some waitress outfit. "Hey, why would you do that? That was rude!" I said as I helped N up.

"He's the one who bumped into you and made a mess here. I had to kick him." J said. Oh, if N wasn't here to see this, I swear I would be- "N/N?" I turned around and saw a young girl wearing a dress and a bow in her hair. What the...Who is that? "Oh, hi, Ms. Tessa- Oh, great! Another one?" J groaned. "N/N, I was looking for you to give you this." She said as she gave me a little bracelet. I stared before taking it from her. "As a token of our friendship and..giving you this one as your own." A female drone slowly comes out from behind Tessa and looks at me with a small smile. "You...."

I suddenly wake up while taking a deep breath. I get up and immediately look around to see that I'm back in the infirmary. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?" Uzi asked. "I...I....

"I remember everything.."

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