Chapter 17

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Peyton insisted on driving Lex's car back, not because she feared his driving, but because he'd just survived a life threatening experience, again, and who was to say he didn't have a concussion of his own this time? The paramedics might have given him a clean bill of health, disregarding his scratches and bruises, but Peyton didn't want to take any chances. And it felt weird to have him drive. As if none of what just happened really mattered and things were normal.

Plus it gave her an excuse to look anywhere else while she figured out what to do about the Lionel situation.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," Lex answered again. "I'm alright. If Clark hadn't been there maybe I wouldn't be, but he was. The scariest part of today was my father promising to visit again."

Peyton swallowed.

"We should get all the families a floral arrangement, or something." She suggested. "To try and expound on your statement that employees of Luthorcorp are family. It might help smooth over any hostilities. And it's a nice thing to do."

Lex's gaze burned into the side of her face and he didn't respond for a beat too long.

"That sounds like a good idea. I wonder what flower means 'sorry your kid got involved in a hostage situation'."

"Well everyone made it out, so let's not do lilies."

"Are you feeling okay?"

Peyton didn't wince. She knew she was acting tense and Lex was observant enough to notice. But the last thing she wanted to bring up tonight after everything was the fact that she'd all but told his dad that they were married.

"I can't de-escalate as fast as you can," she said. After a moment of silent debate, she decided to at least drop the first half of the problem.

"And your dad might have seen me talking to the Sullivans."

Lex sank back with a groan and rubbed at his face, hissing when he pulled on his cuts. Peyton clenched the steering wheel and shot him a look before pulling her foot off the gas. They were about to cross the bridge.

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't just sit around and do nothing. I didn't realize he was close by."

"No." Lex sighed. "He was eventually going to notice anyway. To be honest, I think he was already suspicious that something was different. I just hoped we could delay it a bit longer."

He was going to be thrilled when he found out she'd done more than just talk in front of him.

"I guess I don't fully understand what the issue is, besides his judgment. It's not like his first thought is going to be that I'm from another universe."

"Not his first thought, no." Lex agreed. "But having my dad's interest is never a good thing. And we learned today that he's willing to hide and lie about testing facilities in his company. So I'm reluctant to put anything past him."

"That's fair. When- when is he supposed to come by?"

Lex grimaced.

"Tomorrow, I think. Given how angry he looked, I don't think he'll put off his visit."

She had one night to figure out what to do. To figure out how she was going to explain what in the world had compelled her to make such a claim. Great.

They arrived back at the manor and Peyton rushed around as Lex exited the car. He watched her with amusement.

"You do realize I wasn't mortally wounded or otherwise incapacitated, right?"

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