Chapter 30

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Even after Jeff was arrested and the Palmer family reassigned, even after the manor was cleaned and put back together, Peyton decided not to move back into her original room. Lex found that interesting. He found it hopeful.

She was still determined to find an answer to getting back to "her world", but the longer she stayed the more her defenses crumbled. Their first kiss was a turning point for their relationship. It was a turning point for him.

Lex acknowledged half his interest in her as a child was the mystery of her; it would be lying if he tried to deny that. But she was always more than just a mystery. He'd gotten enough glimpses of her true self through the years that it was agonizing when she vanished.

And after their kiss he finally felt such a strong yearning, such a powerful rightness, that he understood why Paris would start a war for Helen of Troy.

Peyton was perfect and the idea that she might someday fade away again, and possibly never return, left him short of breath.

His father's lessons told him to do whatever was necessary to ensure victory. To make sure she stayed. Sabotage, lie, manipulate. They were all tools he was familiar with in the corporate world.

But Peyton wasn't part of his corporate world. She didn't think like they did.

And she'd never forgive him if he treated her like a game to win. He didn't want to. Not when she was so separate, so open. Lex would hate himself if he betrayed her again when she trusted him so wholly.

He still didn't want her to leave. Especially when he had no concept of what her "leaving" really entailed. For all he knew, she was just gone when not present. For all he knew, all this "other life" stuff was a concoction her mind made up to fill in the blank spaces.

He was still a Luthor at the end of the day; and he wasn't going to let her go without a fight. All he had to do was convince her that she didn't want to go back.

He hoped he was making some progress. Marriage gave him plenty to work with.

And now she chose to stay in the room across from his. It was another small step, and he was a patient man.

Peyton chewed her bottom lip as she walked into the room carrying her open laptop, there was a small crease between her eyes as she read over something on the screen and Lex watched as she settled herself on the couch nearer to the fireplace. The bruises on her throat weren't as prominent as they were a few days ago, but it still sent a shock of anger through Lex every time he saw them. Anger at himself, more than Jeff, for being helpless and weak when she needed him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He prompted as she continued to pensively stare at her laptop.

Her gaze broke away from her screen at his voice and she looked up at him sheepishly. Lex shoved aside the satisfaction at still getting to see her changing expressions. Peyton brushed back her bangs, an action she did when she was uncertain, and she set her laptop down on the cushion as she flexed her fingers.

"I think you can afford a dollar."

She forced herself to grin at him and Lex returned the expression with a mild smirk.

"Convince me to invest," he said.

Peyton rolled her eyes and waggled the fingers on her left hand at him, showing off the ring.

"Pretty sure I already did."

Her expression flickered as she second-guessed her cheekiness and Lex felt a thrill. Those were some of his favorite moments. When, for a second, she forgot to try and remain distant, and let herself just be. He couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face at her statement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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