Chapter 14

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There was a surprised silence as the driver's side door popped open and Lex stepped out to turn and peer over the top of the car at Peyton and her new acquaintance. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a disarming smile that was obviously tense at the edges as he tipped his head towards Matt.

"Making new friends already," he said.

"This is Matt," Peyton replied as she stood. She made her way to the car with her bags in hand and Lex beat her to opening the back passenger door.

"He recognizes me from a magazine."

She flashed a pointed look at Lex and he raised his brows.

"Does he."

Matt stood and met Lex's gaze head on. His lips were pressed together thinly and he fidgeted on the balls of his feet as he kept the stare down going.

"Another Luthor," he finally said. "Come to buy out more hardworking farms?"

Peyton shut her eyes and let out a silent breath as she closed the car door. Lex shoved his hands in his pockets and his smile turned to ice.

"Nice to meet you too."
"Can't we all just get along," she asked as she turned to face them. "Whatever happened to passive aggressive politeness and then gossiping behind people's back?"

Lex smirked as he cut his eyes at her and Matt stammered.

"It's not- You don't understand," Matt argued.

Peyton shifted to face him in a stiff motion.

"I don't understand? Because I'm a dumb magazine model?" Matt went instantly red and sputtered.

"No! I-"

She shook her head and waved her hands.

"Look, I know the Luthor company doesn't have a welcome reputation in this town. That's understandable. However, Lex isn't handling the business in the same way as his father. Whatever judgements you have, it'd be great if you reserved them for when they're earned. Now, it was lovely meeting you, but this sun is killing me and I'm currently still recovering from a near death experience."

Matt floundered some more behind her as she turned back to the car. Lex smirked in a haughty manner as he tilted his head back in a gesture of goodbye. Peyton pointed a stern finger at him as her face twisted in warning.

"Don't be smug."

She sank into the passenger's seat and gave Matt a polite, parting wave before Lex hopped in and revved the engine. Peyton rubbed at her forehead and jolted, holding onto the panic bar, as he peeled away and out of the main strip.

He sped down the road like the devil was on his heels and Peyton wondered if maybe the car accident hadn't been as impactful for him as it had for her. Instead of calling him out on it just yet, she brought up the other bit of information she'd been given.

"So, a model? I thought she didn't have a job."

"You didn't. And I don't know if I'd call it a job, exactly. More like a cover story. To ease suspicion. But you seem very promising as a PR manager."

Peyton let out a sharp laugh while making sure her seatbelt was still securely clipped.

"Yeah. A PR manager that's living in the same house as the CEO's son. Great idea. I don't see that being misconstrued."

"Touché," said Lex. "Though I'm pretty sure we could make something work."

"He wasn't entirely wrong," she pointed out. "I don't exactly know a lot about the Luthor business. Not enough to be a PR manager anyway."

It Doesn't Do Well to DreamWhere stories live. Discover now