Chapter 19

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Peyton stared at Lex, her mind spinning at his open shock.

"What do you mean? I was there-"

She was there, wasn't she? It was his twelfth birthday and no one else came. His cake was- well, the party favors were- what gift had she given him?

Her sentence trailed off as the surety of the memory started to crumble with the lack of detail.

"You weren't." Lex said. "You didn't act like you."

"No," Peyton agreed distractedly. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that."

"Hey." He forced eye contact with her, pulling her out of her confused struggle to recollect a memory she shouldn't have. "Don't be sorry; that's something to take note of, right? Do you remember anything else? Is this the first time you've had a memory like this?"

"It's not a memory. It can't be if I wasn't there. I just- I guess I just know it."

"Is this the first time?" He repeated.


A silence lingered as the possible meanings of the development sank in. Had there been another Peyton after all? Did the car crash rattle her mind beyond a concussion? Or could it be some development she had no hope or experience to foresee?

Peyton didn't like any of the options.

Lex looked to the clock on the kitchen's far wall and nodded to himself.

"We'll note the time and date just in case this happens again. That way we have a record. For the doctors."

"Right. No, right, that's a good idea."

"Everything is going to be okay." Lex's voice remained steady and calm, unlike her churning thoughts. "You're not going to have to go through any of this alone."

"Thank you. I'm alright. I'm just... confused. Surprised. But it's fine." Peyton shook her head and gave him a forced smile. "Never a dull moment with me, huh?"

Lex smiled in return, his more genuine.

"And I wouldn't trade it."


Two days later Peyton's mom called to warn that she'd be coming down with a wedding coordinator in tow. Peyton somehow managed to sound as unphased as possible when she said she was excited to see her.

"I know I agreed," she said, turning her cell phone over and over in her hands, "but how soon is this lady expecting us to actually walk down the aisle? Isn't it going to look strange if it's a rushed ceremony?"

"The public doesn't know that; and as far as your mom is concerned this is a long time coming. Why? Having second thoughts?"

"No." Peyton frowned stubbornly. "I mean, not any more than I should. At least given the circumstances."

"I'll continue to try not to take that personally."

She huffed and rolled her eyes as she flopped down next to him on the couch.

"Will it be any consolation if I let you have some say in decor?"

"Let me?" Lex responded with a laugh.

Peyton flicked her hair back over her shoulder.

"Everyone knows the wedding is about the bride and, even still, I'm probably barely going to get a say in it myself. I'm trying to be generous."

Lex leaned forward over his knees and continued to smile at her like she were some wielder of great wit, his eyes tracked her movements as she shifted. It made her face feel warm and she pressed her lips together in an attempt not to blurt out anything embarrassing.

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